Laserfiche WebLink
City of Arden Hills Personnel Policy Effective February 29,2016 <br />No employee is allowed to start a social media site for the City without prior <br />authorization from the Department Director and City Administrator. <br />No employee is allowed to create a website and/or register a web address (URL) <br />for the City without prior authorization from the Department Director and City <br />Administrator. Approved URLs must be registered by the I.T. Division and <br />approved websites must be established by the Deputy Clerk. <br />All information must be respectful, professional and truthful. Corrections must be <br />issued when needed. <br />Personal opinions generally do not belong in official City statements. One <br />exception is communications related to promoting a City service. For example, if <br />an employee posted on the City's Facebook page, "My family volunteered at the <br />Urban Wildlife half marathon and had a great time". Employees who have been <br />approved to use social media sites on behalf of the City should seek assistance <br />from the Department Director or City Administrator on this topic. <br />Employees using their personal technology (cell phones, home computer, cameras, <br />etc) for City business should be aware that the data transmitted or stored may be <br />subject to the data practices act and legal proceedings. <br />Additional Guidelines for Personal Communications <br />It is important for employees to remember that the personal communications of <br />employees may reflect on the City, especially if employees are commenting on City <br />business. The following guidelines apply to personal communications including various <br />forms such as social media (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, YouTube, etc), letters to the <br />editor of newspapers, and personal endorsements. <br />Remember that what you write is public, and will be for a long time. It may also be <br />spread to large audiences. Use common sense when using email or social media <br />sites. It is a good idea to refrain from sending or posting information that you <br />would not want your boss or other employees to read, or that you would be <br />embarrassed to see in the newspaper. <br />The City of Arden Hills expects its employees to be truthful, courteous and <br />respectful towards supervisors, coworkers, citizens, customers and other persons <br />associated with the City. Do not engage in name-calling or personal attacks. <br />If you publish something related to City business, identify yourself and use a <br />disclaimer such as, "I am an employee of the City of Arden Hills. However, these <br />are my own opinions and do not represent those of the City of Arden Hills." <br />City resources,working time, or official City positions cannot be used for personal <br />profit or business interests, or to participate in personal political activity. For <br />example, a building inspector could not use the City's logo, email, or working time <br />to promote his/her side business as a plumber. <br />Personal social media account names or email names should not be tied to the <br />102