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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION— SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 11 <br /> of US 10 will actually be lower which should be beneficial. MnDOT also claimed there isn't a <br /> sufficient accident history in that area indicating a problem. <br /> Mr. Lux also pointed out that because of the changes being made; the traffic on US 10 will no <br /> longer be starting and stopping in that area which should reduce traffic noise. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated she has four issues she would like to see considered: <br /> - The City and County agree to the staging of these projects. <br /> - Complete another review of the noise wall analysis. <br /> - The addition of a fence, something on top of the retaining wall,to mitigate the car lights. <br /> - Reduce the speed limit proposed for US 10. <br /> Mr. Lux recommended that instead of requesting a change in speed limit that the City may want <br /> to request a speed study. <br /> Mr. Tolaas added that MnDOT sets the speed limits and any change in the speed limit would be <br /> done as a part of a speed study. The County has no control over speed limits. He also stated he <br /> does not think MnDOT can raise the speed limit above 55 mph on this segment of US 10 because <br /> of its classification. <br /> Councilmember Holden was concerned that just requesting a speed survey does not mean that <br /> MnDOT will actually do one. <br /> • Mr. Lux explained that if there is a County Board resolution requesting a speed survey, it will be <br /> done. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the City is granting Municipal Consent to the County and <br /> MnDOT. <br /> Mr. Tolaas responded this is a County project so the Municipal Consent is to the County. He <br /> explained that because the County is working on a trunk highway, and if the State were doing the <br /> work they would have to request Municipal Consent so the County decided since they are acting <br /> as an agent of the State on this project, they should request Municipal Consent. <br /> Councilmember Holden commented that this project involves US 10 and Highway 96 and the <br /> Council can comment on concerns related to US 10. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer commented that the County is following the statute for <br /> Municipal Consent and that statute says that the City can make comments regarding the area of <br /> construction only. He stated this project does include US 10 because they are building the bridges <br /> and off-ramps on US 10, but it does not affect the whole stretch of US 10. He added that the <br /> Appeal Board would not consider any items that were not within the project area, such as the <br /> speed study on US 10. He then suggested the Council consider asking for a barrier on top of the <br /> retaining wall greater than 38 inches in height. <br /> Council consensus was not to add a condition requesting a speed study. <br />
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