,. , t
<br />Gity pf Arden Hills G[��pter 13 Zoning Gtide �,
<br />f �-�Subd. 3�C�ear-eu�ir�g. Th� complete rernoval aftrees.c�r shrubs in a evntiguotzs , ���
<br />patch, strip, row, ar biock. ;(I�evised (t2i221r8) ` , .
<br />� �: �Subci: 3bC3inic. A bui�ding for out-patient medic�l treatment af humans ar
<br />small animals. .
<br />� Su�-�?�Subd. 3'T�Iubs arid ]odge�. Buiidings and facilities owned and aperated by a
<br />`corporatian or associatiori of pers+�ns for social, recrea#ional, eharitable, educati€�nal or '
<br />cultural purposes, but not; operated pri�narily �or .profit ar far purposes which are `
<br />customarily associated with a business:
<br />� �,.'��TSubd. 38Clttbs, sports an►d fitness. A place of assemb}y where rnembership
<br />may be required and is dir�cted taward the general public with the commercial promotion
<br />af sports and physical` fitness.
<br />� fi�i�-�-.�BSubd. 39Corntnissian. The Planning �.�mmission, as established by the Cvde
<br />af Ordinances, City of Arden Hilis, Chapter 2 k; �
<br />� ��x�►d:-�33Subd. 4flCammerciai recreatio�t�. ��ncl�r. A eommercial recreationa] use
<br />condueted within an enciosed building,
<br />hall, athletic :and health clubs, auditarn
<br />center, pooi ar billiard haii, or a var����
<br />not limited to basketball, ice hockey; �
<br />definition daes not inciude publ� �'�s or
<br />;;..,,. �
<br />. � ,�..i.;y,,,
<br />ng arcade, arena, art gallery, assembly
<br />��ing al�ey, club or lounge, cornmunity
<br />�ized or franchised sports, inciuding but
<br />g, soecer, tennis and volleyball. This
<br />property. (aaaea ��7�r�t1)
<br />. . 9{ .? '.'k � r'�,,,''':' .
<br />� ��-48Subd. 41Comprehe�t�.��v plan. A compilatian of policy statements, gaals,
<br />standard and maps for ��� �.,physical, sacial and econornic developznent, both
<br />private and public o#' �`� city a�, its environs and may incluc]e but is not timited to, the
<br />foliowin� items: State�'rr�l�. ��.s c�f �ilicies, gc�als, standards, a land use plan, a community
<br />facilities plan, a transportat���an and reeamrnendations for plan execution.
<br />fi.
<br />� �x-�-:-4�-Snbd.42Conditianal use, A use which, beeause af unig�re characteristics,
<br />cannot be cIassifiec� as a permitted use in a dis#rict; and which, a�ter due consideration by
<br />ihe Planning Commissian and CounciI, pursuant ta the applicable procedUres contained
<br />in this Code and the Arden Hi�is City Code of C3rdinances, may nevertheless be permitted
<br />with restrictions on a site by eondi�ional use permit granted by the Council.
<br />� fiu�d�-4�Subd. 43+Canditio�al use permit (�.U.P.}. A permit requireti for certain Iand
<br />uses classified as CanditianaI Accessory Uses or Conditional Principal Uses.
<br />,�►�: �Subd. 44eonsumer srnall loan establis}�nent. Any establishment that offers
<br />cansumer smati loans, comrnonty referred to as "payday loans," as c�efined ir� Minnes,c>ta
<br />State Statute 4'7.b0 as amended fram time to tirne. (Ar�ded I213f�t8)
<br />�r�:1#4Subd. 45Cauncil. T1�e City Conncil, as established by the Cade af Qrdinances.
<br />Section 1305 = Ruies, Scope, tnterpretation & Definitians
<br />Adapted: November l3, 2fl06
<br />Page 6 Qf 29
<br />�
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