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f ; <br />,City oiArden Hi1ts Chapter l3 Zoning Cade <br />.� � ��:-�Subd. 64Dwelling unit. A re�idential buil�ing ar porEiarr thereof inte�ded for <br />oecupancy by o�e { 1} fainily with facilities far- liyi�g; sleeping, caoking and eating but <br />not including hoteis, motels, nnrsing homes, tents, seasanal eabins, baarding c�r roaming <br />ho�ses, mator homes or iravel trailers. <br />' £t�: �3Subd. GSDwe}ling tznit, single-fami]�aitached. A; dwe�ling unit which is <br />loeated on its:own indzvidua] lot b�zt joined alon�sin e lot line� to one {1}' ar <br />mare other d�uelling units with a part�wall and having,,.a se ap rate Point-of entry. <br />� S�ci:l�Subd. bbDwelling unit, singie familv detaehed. A dweiling which is not joined <br />ta any other dweliing �nit, and is loc�fed on a separate loi with the structure svrrounded <br />by apen space arrd having a separaie point of entry. <br />. . � <br />. . .. _: - -. . r � r .• � � f .... > > ��t 1�. _ ____1__�'____ _._�____ .__ �aL�� <br />� <br />� �t�l: �BSubd. b7Easement. A right ar pri <br />atatharity to use a parcel of land ar partion ,#�i <br />9 <br />� �ubd: +�9Subd. bBEqua] Degree of Ez�crc <br />of flaadway boundaries sa the flaod ��i' <br />,.:: <br />c4nveying a praportionate share af floc��:; <br />m'���or af a person or a government <br />far specific purpose. <br />A' method of determining the iocation <br />bath sides of a stream are capable af <br />� S�b+�-�-'78Subd.69Exteriar s�iag� Y�'�e storage af goods, maierials, equipment, <br />man�zfactureci products and sir����'items nc�t fi�lly enclosea by a bui)ding. <br />� ��-'�S�bd. 70Fat����..,iAn t�iivictual €�r two (2} or mare persans, each related to the <br />other b blflad, marria °,. <br />Y g�,.adopt�n or foster care, or a grvup of nat more than four {4} <br />persc�ns, same or aIl crf w'�i��`are not related by blood, marria�e or adoptian, living <br />together and maintaini�g a comman househoid. (These regu�ations shall not be applied so <br />as to prevent ihe City from making reasc>nable accommadation as required by the Federal <br />Fair Housing Amendments Act of 198$}. <br />� ���'�Subd. 71 Financial institution. An establishment that pravides financial and <br />banlcing services to consumers or clients: Typical uses include banks, savings and loan <br />associations, credit u�zons, i�vestrrment eompanies, and a�tomated teller rnachines <br />{ATMs). Financial institution shall not in�itzde a consumer small loan operation. (Artrterr <br />7l14/Il1} <br />��Subd. 72Fltiad. A temparary increase in the flaw or stage of a stream or in the <br />stage of a wetland or lake that results in the inundatign af nc�rmally dry areas. <br />� <br />��b+�-'�45ubd.73Flood frequency. The frequeney far which it is expected that a <br />specific flood stage or discharge may be eqvaled or exeeeded. <br />Section 1305 - Rules, Scope, Intetpt'etatian & De�nitions <br />Adopied: November �3, 2UQ6 <br />Page 9 af 29 <br />