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. � <br />� <br />���� <br />-��HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: January 1 U, 2011 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers <br />Patrick Klaers, City Administratar <br />FROM: Meagan Beekrnan, City Planner <br />SUBJECT: Planning Case #10-411 <br />Applicant: City of Arden Hills <br />Request: Amend Sections 1305.04 and 1320 of the Zoning Code <br />Back�raund <br />In Jw�e 20]0, the City approved additions to the Zaning Code that pertained to that portian of the <br />Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP) that is anticipated to be sold far redevelopment. <br />The purpose af the Zoning Code additions was to lay out a process by which a future developer <br />� would work with the City to obtain approval for a master plan, and each subsequent future phase <br />of development on the property. The new regulations included a detailed Planned Unit <br />Development (PUD) process that was based on an updated version of the City's existing PUD <br />Overlay District process. <br />The City also rezoned the property to two new zoning districts, Mixed Residential and Mixed <br />Business, which correspand with the future land use designations in the City's Comprehensive <br />Plan. As part of the rezaning, Staff developed an updated land use chart that pertained only to <br />the TCAAP property zoning districts and was not incorporated into the City's other districts. <br />Because nat all of the land uses identified in the new land use chart had definitions in the <br />existing Zaning Code, several new definitions were added. Other land use classifications that <br />were included in the TCAAP iand use chart aIready existed in the Gode, but were brought up to <br />date ar clarif ed. <br />Through the process of drafting the new zaning regulations for the TCAAP property a number of <br />opportunities for improvements within other sectians of the Code, and far other districts within <br />the City, became evident. Because the focus of tne TCAAP zaning regulatian pracess was only <br />the TCA.AP property, changes that would affect other areas of the City were not made. It was <br />determined that once the TCAAP regulations were finalized and in place, Staff' would begin <br />working on incorporating the updates into the rest of the Code. <br />� City of Arden Hills <br />City Council Meering for.lanuary I0, 21�11 <br />Page ] of 4 <br />