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f . � t <br />� TIRAFT December 8, 2Q10, Planning Commissioner Minutes <br />Pianning Case 10-411; Zoning Code Amendment — Fublic Hearing <br />City Planner Beekman stated this planning case was to amend Sections 1305 and 132Q c�f <br />the Zoning Code to reconcile the recently adopted TCAAP zoning regulations with the <br />regulations that pertain to the rest of the City. Staff is proposing to update the City's <br />Land Use Chart, Planned Unit Developrnent Pracess, and Definitions sectians of the <br />Zoning Code to align with the TCAAP regulations. She outlir�ed the changes propased in <br />Sectian 13QS.Q4, Section �305.05, Section 1320.14, Sectian 1320.46, and Section <br />1320.45. <br />Chair Larson opened the floor to Commission questions. <br />Commissioner Holewa asked what the difference is in the Zoning for Northwestern <br />College and Bethel University. <br />City Planner $eekman explained Northwestern College is zoned R1 and operates under a <br />PUD and Bethel University operates under a�UF. Bethel University is mare closely <br />bound by the City Codes. 1"he twa lacations were zoned several years aga and the exact <br />reasons for this could not be determined. <br />Chair Larson stated in Attachment B, page 1 of 55, �ection 1324.02, the MR and MB <br />� Districts are not mentioned. He asked if this was an oversight. <br />City Planner Beekman explained this had been an oversight and these two Districts <br />should be mentioned in this section. <br />Chair Larson opened the public hearing at 6:47 p.m. <br />There being no public input Chair Larson closed the publzc hearing at 6:48 p.m. <br />Cammissioner Holewa moved, seconded bv Commissianer Reiff to Approve <br />Plannin� Case 10-011 Amendin� Sections 13QS.Q4 and 1324 Qf the Citv's Zonin� <br />Code as Presented in the Decernber 8, 2014, Planning Case Re�art. The motion <br />carried unanimauslY (6-0). <br />� <br />