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8A, MnDOT I-694/TH51 Improvement Project - Appeal Board Appointee
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8A, MnDOT I-694/TH51 Improvement Project - Appeal Board Appointee
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10/24/2024 10:29:44 AM
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2/26/2016 11:01:22 AM
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� <br />8- The Crty requests that MnDOT change the layout as necessary to provide the required spacing <br />and appropriate (barrier) separation for a 10 foot �nride bituminous trai! on the west side of old <br />Snetling Avenue%Id TH 90 as it passes under l-694. <br />MMDOT response -In the development of the layout, Mn/DOT work with the Minnesota Rules to <br />design fhe appropriate traii crossing under a bridge. <br />9- The City requests that MnDOT construct a non-motorized/pedesfrian bridge across TH 10 to <br />connect North Snetling Avenue to the trail connection under I-694 identified in #8 above. <br />Mn/DOT response - The development of a TH 10 non-motorizedlpedestrian bridge crossing is a <br />project that should be developed using the Federa! STP proeess. This project would compete with <br />other projects in the region with the best projects being selected for funding_ Building connecting <br />facilities to the project would benefit the City by enhancing the proposed pedestrian bridge project <br />submittal. <br />10 - The City requests that MnDOT show on the approved layout a 6 foot wide concrefe sidewalk • <br />on the west side of Hamline Avenue from Flora! Drive to County Road F and on the south side of <br />County Road F towards Lexington Avenue to the existing and/or planned sidewalk. <br />Mn/DOT rssponse - Mn/DOT is showing the 6' wide concrete sidewalk a(ong Hamline Avenue <br />from Floral Drive to County Road F. Mn/DOT is willing to construct any additional sidewalks that <br />the City requests, but Arden Hills is responsible for the costs of the sidewalks, and Arden Hilts will <br />need to provide the required R/V1/. <br />91 - The City requests thai MnDOT include as part of the proposed bridge structure crossing 1-694 <br />a non-motorized/pedestrian facility that wil! provide for movements from the west side of Hamline <br />Avenue to the west side of TH 51. <br />Mn/DOT response - First, the bridges that are being constructed will be able to be widened in the <br />future to accommodate a trail. The development of an I-694 non-motorized/pedestrian bridge <br />crossing is a project that should be developed using the Federal STP process. This project would <br />compete with ofher projecfs in the region with the best projects being selected for funding. Part of <br />the projecf development shoutd include working with the l-694 pedestrian crossing committee that <br />will be formed fo analyze pedestrian crossings of I-694 from 1-35W to 1-35E. The committee may <br />include representatives from Arden Hifls, Shareview, Ramsey County, MnlDOT, FHWA and the <br />Met Council, but not limited to this group. <br />� <br />� <br />An Equal Opportunity Employer <br />� �. �� /� •` � � � � C; -� - � � ,' ' <br />- � f � • • `�` � - <br />-��_ . �' � ,.� - �.� V � ._� � <br />. , , <br />_ .: . <br />,�.,,- - <br />_...- �,_____ _ . _ . _ _ _. <br />,._ __. .. ; <br />
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