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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – JANUARY 11, 2016 3 <br /> <br />Councilmember McClung agreed stating that the main goal for developers should be compliance <br />with the City and Met Council approved Comprehensive Plan, in addition to the TCAAP <br />Redevelopment Code from a broad perspective. <br /> <br />Community Development Director Hutmacher stated that the City’s goals have the rule of law <br />behind the TCAAP development. She believed that the County’s goals were aspirational in nature <br />and may not be consistent or realistic with what the market will support. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant stated that while this may be the case, the County’s goals were attached to the <br />solicitation while the City of Arden Hills’ were not. <br /> <br />Councilmember McClung stated that he believed that the City should simply refer to the <br />approved Comprehensive Plan and TRC for its goals. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden wanted to see the TCAAP development succeed and not end up in <br />court. She had hoped that the County would more closely define the type of “high paying jobs” <br />they were seeking for TCAAP. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes indicated that she is in favor of the job wages being compared to the <br />five neighboring cities and not the seven county metro area. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant agreed that this would be a more reasonable comparison. He was in favor of <br />placing the City’s maximum residential units of 1431 within the goals as well. <br /> <br />Councilmember McClung suggested another goal state that the City supports a mixture of <br />development within the approved Comprehensive Plan and TRC that would encourage the <br />extension of public transit to the TCAAP site. <br /> <br />City Attorney Jamnik recommended that the Council walk through the County’s goals and cross <br />compare. He understood that the Council was interested in more senior housing, higher paying <br />jobs, more office, housing diversity, 1,431 units with a maximum overall density of 9.5 units per <br />acre, in addition to transit and mobility that was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden stated that she wanted to see the City encouraging LEED certified <br />housing and green energy solutions. She was also in favor of a single garbage hauler. She <br />recommended buildings on TCAAP be constructed in a manner that reduces public safety costs. <br />She expressed concern with the affordable housing numbers and the County’s interpretation of <br />those numbers. <br /> <br />Community Development Director Hutmacher discussed the County’s affordable housing goal <br />numbers. She reported that the County’s goal was for 10% of all housing and 20% of occupied <br />housing to be affordable. She then discussed several scenarios with rental versus owner occupied <br />based on 1,431 units. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden believed that the language as written was unclear. She questioned how <br />future developers would monitor the percentage of affordable housing on the site. She stated that