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Struck Items per 3/29/2010 Meeting <br /> 1. Materially enhances the health, safety and well-being of all who live, work and play in <br /> the City. <br /> a. Enhances an interconnected system of trails, pathways and open spaces. <br /> b. Protects and preserves the community's natural resources including open spaces, <br /> lakes, wetlands, other significant natural features and historic resources. <br /> 2. Enhances or retains development of TCAAP in a way that accommodates a mix of land <br /> uses that is sensitive to the natural environment, economically sustainable and a benefit to <br /> the community <br /> 3. Retains or creates jobs that are long-term in nature and at or above the median for the <br /> State of Minnesota(vs. Business Subsidy Policy standard?) <br /> 4. Creates a desirable commercial/retail environment that enhances the long-term vitality of <br /> the City. <br /> 5. Provides a transportation system that has convenient and effective multi-modal <br /> connections within Arden Hills and to adjacent municipalities, the remainder of the Twin <br /> Cities Metropolitan Area and greater Minnesota. <br /> Future Leverage Goals 30% <br /> 1. Likelihood project will spur other projects that will not require further subsidy. <br /> a. Increases the ability to further develop a healthy and accessible community <br /> b. the center for further business development <br /> c. Increases likelihood of job growth in a growing industry <br /> Regional Goals 10% <br /> • 2. Moves the region closer to its mix goals for affordable housing <br /> 3. Enhances the regional trail system and it's integration with the Arden Hills trail system <br /> Next Steps <br /> 1.) Circulate Whitepaper with entire FPAC; debate and modify as appropriate. <br /> 2.) Review the City of Bloomington's methodology for creating its TIF spending guidelines. <br /> 3.) Place topic on City Council working session agenda for discussion and feedback. <br /> 4.) City Council to debate and approve (subject to modifications and amendment)"Long- <br /> term TIF Selection Criteria" <br /> 5.) Based on City Council's approved Long-term TIF Selection Criteria, EDC (with <br /> assistance from FPAC)to develop Long-term TIF Criteria point system and revised TIF <br /> approval process <br /> 6.) City to embody new process and point system into TIF approval policy. <br /> Page 5 of 6 <br />