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ARDEN I�ILLS CITY COUNCIL — JUNE 14, 2010 11 <br />8A_ Arden Village Workfot-ce Housing Proposa! — Updated Letter of Support for the Housing � <br />Tcix Credit Application (continued) <br />MOTION: Ma��or Harpstead moved and Councilmember Grant seconded a motion to <br />Approve the updated Letter of Support for Sand Companies, Inc.'s housin� <br />tax credit application to the Minnesota Housin� Finance Agencv for the <br />Arden Villa�e project at 1296 County Road F for an amount not to exceed <br />�22�,000, alon� with the $2,000 waiver in the SAC/WAC fees. <br />Councilmember ��olden questioned what other funding �vould be used beyond TIF. <br />Community Development Director Lehnhoff clarified that this would allow the City to waive <br />bui(ding permit fees or other fees in lieu of TI�. <br />Councilmember McClung stated he wiil support Option 1 but feit Option 2, with the <br />communication tower would provide the City a great opportunity_ <br />Councilmember Grant indicated he would have supported the communication tower as well; <br />however time did not permit a full review_ He explained he would be supporting Option l. <br />The motion carried on a 3-1 vote. (Hoiden opposed) <br />B. Elmer L. Andersen Memoriat Trail Signage Approval � <br />Parks and Recreation Manager Otson revieti�ed the signage history of the Eimer L. Andersen <br />Memorial Trait (EAMT) with the Council. She indicated staff budgeted $1 �,000 for the trail <br />signs fram the SY�c�al Reveriue gar[c �'ur�d. i1uoies were received from three sign companies and <br />the low bid came in at $19,645 with the City's portion being $1 �,36�. This inciuded two pillars at <br />County Road E and [ndian Place. Ramsey County has agreed to purchase one smalter pilIar at the <br />Lake Johanna Boulevard entrance for a construction and installation price of $4,300. Design costs <br />totaling $2,170 would aiso be due to Derrek Hames. The Parks, Trai( and Recreation Committee <br />recommends the final design to Council. The Elmer L_ Andersen family has expressed their <br />appreciation for dedicating this trail to their father and is honored to have been included in the <br />design process for this signage. The signs production and installation will take approximately 2`/2 <br />to three months from approval and the PTRC expressed interest in planning a dedication <br />ceremony for the Memorial Signage this fall. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned how many signs �vere being purchased and asked the <br />expected Iife expectancy of these signs_ <br />Parks and Recreation Manager Otson indicated four signs were heing purchased for three <br />different locations. She stated the sign company recommended a high end product to resist graffiti <br />and outdoor vvear and tear_ <br />Derrek Hames, sign designer commented the signs would be fixed to concrete tubes with bolts_ � <br />The proposed material is the best technology available and was used at the new TCF Stadium. <br />