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6 <br /> <br />BUSINESS RETENTION AND EXPANSION PROGRAM BACKGROUND <br />The Arden Hills Economic Development Commission (EDC) researched Business Retention and Expansion <br />(BR&E) programs as part of their 2014 Work Plan. City staff and the EDC discussed the role of a BR&E <br />program in the context of the City’s economic development goals and how this type of program should <br />be structured to ensure successful outcomes. The EDC evaluated program options and recommended to <br />the EDA that the City enter into an agreement with the Saint Paul Area of Chamber of Commerce <br />(SPACC). The EDA approved the SPACC BR&E program on January 26, 2015. <br />Importance of Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) <br />Retaining and facilitating the expansion of existing businesses is an important component of any city’s <br />strategic plan for economic development. Studies have shown that as much as 80 percent of new jobs <br />created are by existing businesses rather than by new businesses attracted to a community. With the <br />increasing scarcity of resources at the local level, focusing on the growth of existing businesses can be <br />more efficient than enticing a new business to move into a community with public financing <br />commitments or other public subsidies. <br />Program Objectives <br />Business Retention and Expansion programs set out to achieve a multitude of goals. Some of the goals <br />identified by the City of Arden Hills include: <br /> Demonstrate to businesses that the community appreciates their presence <br /> Help existing businesses solve immediate problems <br /> Increase businesses’ ability to compete in regional, national, and global markets <br /> Establish a strategic plan for economic development <br /> Build community capacity to sustain growth and development over the long term <br />Program Sponsors <br />The City of Arden Hills Business Retention and Expansion program was sponsored by the Economic <br />Development Authority at the recommendation of the Economic Development Commission. <br />Program Organization and Leadership <br />Launching a Business Retention and Expansion program in a community takes a great deal of <br />organization and leadership. City staff played a key role in identifying businesses to be visited, <br />coordinating with the EDC, and executing BR&E visits. <br />Matthew Bachler, Associate Planner, was the overall leader of the Arden Hills BR&E program. <br />