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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – FEBRUARY 16, 2016 3 <br /> <br />Mayor Grant thanked Mr. Lux for his attendance and looked forward to continued conversations <br />with the County regarding this topic. <br /> <br />B. Interstate I-35W North Corridor <br /> <br />Jerome Adams, Project Engineer with MnDOT, presented a project overview on the I-35W <br />North Corridor for the City Council. He explained he was responsible for the I-35W north <br />preliminary design. He discussed the location of the MnPASS lanes and described where noise <br />walls would be located. He then noted where concrete would be used within the project area. The <br />positive impact the new lanes would have on I-35W and I-694 traffic was reviewed. He clarified <br />that the northbound entrance loop from County Road I would be closed in 2017. It was noted the <br />I-35W North Corridor project was slated to start in the spring of 2019. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant asked if MnDOT was coordinating this project with the proposed improvements <br />that would take place at County Road H. <br /> <br />Mr. Adams explained all of the traffic modeling for I-35W had included the development plans <br />for TCAAP. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant questioned how MnDOT was raising capital for this project. <br /> <br />Mr. Adams stated the engineering for this project was brought to the district engineer of MnDOT. <br />He reported this project was one of the top five priorities for MnDOT at this time. He explained <br />MnDOT was not asking for money from the County or cities within the project area. He noted the <br />ADA sidewalks at the top of terminals may require upgrades which may require City <br />participation. <br /> <br />Further discussion ensued regarding the proposed improvements for I-35W. <br /> <br />Mr. Adams provided further comment on where sound walls would be located and who would be <br />able to vote on them. He reported the proposed sound walls would be 20 feet in height and would <br />have a decrease in traffic noise of five decibels. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant requested further information on the portion of Arden Hills that would not be <br />receiving a noise wall. <br /> <br />Councilmember McClung believed that this neighborhood may require an explanation from <br />MnDOT as to why they were not receiving a sound wall. <br /> <br />Mr. Adams indicated this neighborhood would not receive a five decibel decrease in noise, and <br />therefore would not be receiving a sound wall. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes asked if there would be a noise wall on I-35W from I-694 to County <br />Road D. <br /> <br />Mr. Adams reported there would be no noise wall north of County Road E2 to I-694 on the <br />Arden Hills side.