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PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING <br /> SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 Page 4 of 8 <br /> Committee Member Williams stated that he read in the paper that a number of cities are adding more to <br /> their levy to hedge their bet against the legislature reneging on the homestead credit. Has Arden Hills <br /> given any thought to that? Council Larson replied that it did not come up in discussions regarding the six <br /> percent levy. Speaking only for himself, he feels the City is under funded in its ability to raise capital <br /> funds. A two percent increase in the levy does not raise a lot of money. The utility funds are lower than <br /> they should be because for a long time the City did not increase City water and sewer rates and we are <br /> recognizing more and more that our pavement management projects have been more expensive then they <br /> have been in the past. We are replacing water infrastructures in the City, which cost money. We do not <br /> have a plan as to how we are going to fund capital improvements in the parks in the future. There was <br /> some talk about that,but the Council has not come to any resolution as to how that is going to be done. <br /> Committee Member Williams stated that when he read the article he thought it was worrisome that the <br /> legislature has reneged on their responsibility for the homestead credit. If they do this again next year, <br /> Arden Hills and all the communities that haven't figured for that are going to be in the hole and the six <br /> percent won't be six percent anymore and the City will have to make up that difference if the legislature <br /> does not come through with it. <br /> Committee Member Williams thanked Council Liaison Larson for Mr. Larson's allegiance to the PTRC <br /> by hearing the committee's recommendations, forwarding them to the Council and arguing what he <br /> thought was very rational information. Council Liaison Larson replied it has been a pleasure to work with <br /> the committee as the liaison. <br /> 6. PARKS,TRAILS,AND RECREATION UPDATE <br /> Michelle Olson provided the committee with the following update: <br /> • • Royal Hills and Floral Parks tennis and basketball courts were resurfaced. Committee Member <br /> McClung stated that his driveway is right across from the tennis court and he has seen more use <br /> after the courts were resurfaced. <br /> • Mounds View High School's tennis courts will be reconstructed next spring, 2007. The City <br /> decided to donate $8,000 towards the total cost of, approximately $140,000. The reason we <br /> contribute money towards this project is because we utilize their courts for team tennis and other <br /> lessons that require more than a couple courts. With our contribution, we get priority over many <br /> other groups, being only second to the school. We are also hoping to piggy back on that <br /> construction project with the Cummings Park tennis court. It is tentatively scheduled for next <br /> year and our goal is to follow a strict maintenance schedule for the courts into the future. <br /> • The Freeway Park warming house was torn down and the electrical obviously disconnected. <br /> Preparations are being made to move the Valentine Park building to Freeway. The location of the <br /> building coming to Freeway Park has been moved slightly to accommodate the size difference, <br /> site line, and set back requirements. Once secured at the new site, the building will need new <br /> paint or residing to make it look nicer. A mobile unit will be brought in for use at Valentine Park <br /> this winter. Ms. Olson and the Kris Giga, City Engineer, will work on bringing forward an <br /> overall assessment of Valentine Park. Because of the drainage issues, an assessment of the <br /> neighborhood may be needed. Nothing can really be done to the park unless we look at the whole <br /> picture because we do not want to make the drainage worse for one or the other. <br /> • The public works department structure was approved and the recruitment process is underway for <br /> a new public works director. Currently, five candidates have been interviewed. Under the new <br /> department structure, public works personnel will remain as one unit,handling both public works <br /> • and parks and recreation responsibilities. Ms. Olson has been promoted to Parks and Recreation <br /> Manager. She will deal with park maintenance and park related decisions will be made in <br />