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PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING <br /> November 21 2006 Page 3 of 5 <br /> . Committee Member Wheeler asked how this project could be moved up in priority for Ramsey County. Ms. <br /> Olson stated that perhaps Committee Member Straumann could talk to Ramsey County or perhaps it may be <br /> helpful to have someone attend a Ramsey County meeting. <br /> Committee Member Wheeler stated that she recalled that Mr. Mack said that the right of way was pretty wide <br /> in that area. Ms. Olson replied that there were some good right of way areas, but there were also some <br /> challenging restrictions. Ms. Olson was not sure if those challenges had an affect on where this project was <br /> place on their priority list. <br /> Traffic Signals at County Road E and Old Snelling <br /> Ms. Olson stated that she spoke with Mr. Dan Soler,Ramsey County Traffic Engineer, about the possibility of <br /> putting in a traffic signal at the Lindeys intersection. Mr. Soler did not recall ever having a justification study <br /> done for that area. Mr. Soler thought that it was something the County could do and it would be of no cost to <br /> the City. <br /> MOTION: Committee Chair Zilmer motioned, seconded by Committee Member Lanny Baumann to <br /> request that the City Council order a traffic study for the Lindeys intersection. The motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> Mayor Elect Harpstead stated that County Road F was paved on the New Brighton side all the way across the <br /> bridge and it stopped at the Arden Hills portion. With the busing changes in the Mounds View School District, <br /> anyone within two miles walks to school and therefore when pedestrians get to the Arden Hills portion of the <br /> road,they end up walking in the street. Ms. Olson stated that over seven years ago that particular trail segment <br /> was voted down by the Council. <br /> • Chair Henry stated that a portion of this would be addressed with the extension of the Elmer L. Andersen trail <br /> through Tony Schmidt,to the high school,and further into Long Lake Regional Park. <br /> Round Lake Update <br /> Ms. Olson stated that she included an email she received from Mr. Mike Fix. There are a lot of files to go <br /> through on Round Lake. The email from Mr. Fix stated that the potential to human health and the environment <br /> were associated with the contamination in the sediment below the water. <br /> Regarding the trail along Round Lake, Ms. Olson stated that Knott Companies was the one company that was <br /> holding out and perhaps discussions could be opened with them again. She further stated that they had security <br /> and vandalism concerns and did not want people walking behind their building. According to Jim Perron, <br /> Public Water Superintendent, the City had a sewer easement in that area. Mr. Hoag stated that it would be a <br /> risk to get the vactor and jetter to that area during winter conditions. An avenue that he wanted to explore was <br /> to pave that segment for use as a roadway for sewer needs. <br /> I REVISION OF STRATEGIES <br /> A. Perry Park Trail Connection from Underpass <br /> Staff went out to identify the best route from Perry Park for the application for the DNR Local Trail <br /> Connection Grant. Ms. Olson stated that the two trail options, where the Mounds View students jog and <br /> behind the Little Lakes Little League field,both come with their own challenges and are not doable for ADA, <br /> unless we spend a lot of money for retaining walls and removal of oak trees. When Ms. Olson and the <br /> engineer went out,they located an area that was naturally flatter and the vegetation that would be lost would be <br /> . mainly buckthorn, and box elder trees. A trail placed in this area would be come up behind field#2. It would <br /> wind through the area, but we would be able to break down some of the berm and make the trail ADA <br />