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Arden Hills Service Directory <br />1245 West Highway 96 <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112-5734 <br /> Office Hours <br />Monday through Friday <br />8:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m. <br />651-792-7800 <br /> <br />Sheriff and Fire <br />911 <br />Water and Sewer Problems <br />(During non-business hours) <br /> 651-767-0640 <br />Mayor: <br />David Grant 651-538-0747 <br /> <br />Councilmembers: <br />Brenda Holden 651-636-2987 <br /> <br />Fran Holmes 651-631-1866 <br /> <br />Dave McClung 651-332-0352 <br /> <br />Jonathan Wicklund 651-278-8077 <br /> <br />Acting City Administrator: <br />Sue Iverson 651-792-7816 <br /> <br />Communications Committee <br />Editors/writers: Susan Cathey, Tina <br />Kulzer <br />Writer: Emma Theis <br />Council Liaison: Jonathan Wicklund <br />Staff Liaison: Amy Dietl <br />Desktop Publisher: Mary Nosek <br />Council meetings are held at City Hall <br />on the second and last Monday of the <br />month at 7 p.m. Meetings are televised <br />live on Cable Channel 16. Meetings of <br />the Planning Commission are televised <br />as well. Visit <br />for information about taped meeting <br />playbacks. <br />Arden Hills Notes is the official news- <br />letter of the City of Arden Hills, an <br />equal-opportunity employer. <br />2 <br />Dave Winkel retires after 37 years of service by Tina KulzerFebruary 29, 2016 was a big day <br />for Dave Winkel. After 37 years of <br />service in public works for the City of <br />Arden Hills, he clocked in for the last <br />time. The workload was easier on this <br />day than most: laughs, well-wishes, <br />and reminiscing with co-workers past <br />and present in the City public works <br />“shop;” a recognition luncheon; and <br />a service award presentation later in <br />the evening at a City Council meeting. <br />It was a well-deserved light last day <br />for one of the City’s most loyal and <br />dedicated employees. <br />Dave’s retirement marks the end of a 41-year career in public service. A would-be police <br />officer, Dave put his law enforcement schooling on hold to take a job in the Parks Depart- <br />ment in Shoreview, and he never turned back. A few years later, he came to the Parks <br />Department in Arden Hills, where he spent the rest of his career. <br />“A parks person at heart” <br />In his early years as a parks foreman, Dave performed tree planting, tree and weed inspec- <br />tions, and park development and maintenance duties such as installing park equipment and <br />maintaining the ice rinks. “Dave is a parks person at heart,” said Superintendent of Public <br />Works, Joe Mooney. <br />Dave approximated that half of the City parks were developed during his tenure. It was <br />important to him to plant trees near the play structures to keep the metal equipment shaded <br />from the hot sun and to give parents and kids a cool spot to rest. “It’s funny,” he said. “We <br />recently had to take down a few trees that I had planted decades ago.” <br />Frequently dealing directly with City residents in regard to forestry issues, Dave remarked <br />that his lasting impression of Arden Hills residents is that they are concerned residents. <br />“They are really involved in what is going on in the City,” Dave said. “They care.” <br />In 2001, the Parks and Public Works departments merged. Dave’s duties expanded to <br />include street, sewer, equipment, water, and lift station maintenance. He said that the most <br />difficult part of his job was working to repair water main breaks, as those are emergency <br />situations that involve careful work around underground utilities. <br />Well-wishes and tributes <br />Reflecting on the departure of his longtime co-worker, Mooney said, “Dave and I worked <br />together for 29 years. He is one of the most caring, helping, and genuine people you could <br />ever meet.” <br />City Clerk Amy Dietl, who was in attendance at the February 29 meeting explained, “The <br />coolest part about the whole thing was the ‘fan base’ that showed up in support of Dave. <br />Spouse, kids, grandkids, friends, co-workers and their spouses filled the seats in the audi- <br />ence. It’s a good testament to what a nice person Dave is.” <br />Retirement plans <br />“Retirement will be good. Busy.” Dave said. An avid hunter and fisherman, he plans to <br />spend time outdoors and with his children and grandchildren, all of whom live in the area. <br />However, he plans to kick things off with a vacation on a cruise ship with his wife, fol- <br />lowed by an extensive spring remodeling project at his home in Shoreview, which is not <br />far from the Rice Creek Commons development site. And after that? “I might just sit and <br />watch them develop the arsenal,” he joked. <br />Dave Winkel