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RAMSEY COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION <br /> MINUTES <br /> January 11, 2005 <br /> RAMSEY COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT <br /> 2015 NORTH VAN DYKE STREET <br /> MAPLEWOOD, MN 55109 <br /> Main Floor Conference Room <br /> The regular meeting of the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at <br /> 5:05 p.m., at the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department, 2015 North Van Dyke Street, <br /> Maplewood, Minnesota. <br /> Members Present: Mohammed Ali, Deb Falkowski, Michele Hanson, Terry Huntrods, Gale Pederson <br /> and Richard Straumann <br /> Members Absent: Phil Jenni, Jonathon Kusa and JoAnne Van Guilder <br /> Staff Present: Greg Mack, Kevin Finley, Larry Holmberg, John Moriarty, Jody Yungers and <br /> Cheryl Johnson <br /> • APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br /> Vice-Chair Hanson asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Mr. Huntrods moved, seconded by Ms. <br /> Pederson, that the agenda be approved. Motion carried. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> Vice-Chair Hanson asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the December 14, 2004 meeting. Mr. <br /> Straumann moved, seconded by Ms. Pederson, that the minutes of the December 14, 2004 <br /> meeting be approved as mailed. Motion carried. <br /> REVIEW OF 2004 COOPERATIVE DEER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM RESULTS <br /> The 2004 Deer Hunt Summary was distributed. Mr. Moriarty gave an overview of the 2004 deer <br /> management activities. Eight county sites and two Maplewood sites were included in the 2004 program. <br /> Five municipalities (Maplewood, St. Paul, Shoreview, Vadnais Heights and White Bear Township) <br /> partnered with Ramsey County and 240 Minnesota Bowhunters Resource Base (MBRB) archers <br /> participated in the hunts. Of the 163 deer harvested, 30 were antlered. <br /> REVIEW OF 2004 GOLF COURSE PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT SURVEYS <br /> Mr. Finley distributed and gave an overview of the survey results for Goodrich, Keller, Manitou Ridge and <br /> The Ponds at Battle Creek golf courses. He indicated that the survey cards are reviewed as they come in <br /> and any complaints/problems are addressed as they are received. Ms. Falkowski suggested that the <br /> reports be posted at the golf courses. <br /> ELECTION OF OFFICERS — Chair and Vice-Chair <br /> 'Vice-Chair Hanson called for nominations for Chair. Mr. Straumann nominated Ms. Hanson for Chair, <br /> seconded by Ms. Pederson. Hearing no additional nominations, Vice-Chair Hanson asked for a <br /> motion to close nominations for Chair. Mr. Huntrods moved, seconded by Mr. Straumann, that <br /> nominations be closed and a unanimous ballot be cast for Ms. Hanson as Chair. Motion carried. <br />