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10-25-05 PTRC
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PTRC Minutes/Packets/(1968 to 2009)
10-25-05 PTRC
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RAMSEY COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION <br /> MINUTES <br /> September 13, 2005 <br /> RAMSEY COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT <br /> 2015 NORTH VAN DYKE STREET <br /> MAPLEWOOD, MN 55109 <br /> Main Floor Conference Room <br /> The regular meeting of the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chair <br /> Straumann at 6:00 p.m., at the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department, 2015 North Van Dyke <br /> Street, Maplewood, Minnesota. <br /> Members Present: Deb Falkowski, Michele Hanson, Jonathon Kusa, Richard Straumann <br /> Members Absent: Terry Huntrods, Phil Jenni, Gale Pederson, JoAnne Van Guilder and Elyssa Weber <br /> Staff Present: Greg Mack, Larry Holmberg and Jody Yungers <br /> APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br /> Chair Straumann asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Ms. Falkowski moved, seconded by Mr. <br /> Kusa, that the agenda be approved. Motion carried. <br /> 06PROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> Chair Straumann asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the June 14, 2005 meeting. Ms. Falkowski <br /> moved, seconded by Mr. Kusa, that the minutes of the June 14, 2005 meeting be approved as mailed. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> LAND EXCHANGE PROPOSAL WITH HILL-MURRAY HIGH SCHOOL <br /> Mr. Mack briefed the Commission on a proposal by Hill-Murray High School to expand their campus utilizing <br /> property owned by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MN/DOT) located northwest of their current <br /> school location. They propose to construct additional athletic fields in this area. The expansion plans call for <br /> trail connections between proposed athletic fields on the MN/DOT property and a new road that provides <br /> access to the campus expansion area and the existing campus from Century and Larpenteur avenues. The <br /> school has proposed exchanging approximately 4 acres of land with Ramsey County in order to <br /> accommodate trail connections. The property owned by Hill-Murray proposed in the exchange is generally <br /> wetland abutting Sterling Avenue. This wetland connects to the larger wetland complex owned by Ramsey <br /> County located north of their existing campus. The county-owned land is an oak woods with significant <br /> topographic change. The school's proposal would be to preserve the oak woods and provide trail <br /> connections through it to the expanded athletic field complex. <br /> The Ramsey County Home Rule Charter addresses conversion of parkland. Under the provisions of the <br /> Home Rule Charter and the county policy, the exchange would have to result in no net loss of parkland. The <br /> property that Ramsey County would receive in the exchange would have to be of equal size and value to the <br /> park property. Although the two parcels proposed in the exchange are of comparable size, the value of the <br /> ittland owned by Hill-Murrray is likely to be less than the property owned by Ramsey County. Restrictions <br /> the use of the land proposed for transfer to Hill-Murray could equalize the exchange value. <br /> The Commission indicated support for the concept of the land exchange. Members expressed concern <br /> about trail locations bisecting the property and suggested that the trails remain on the edge of the property. <br /> 1 <br />
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