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'AN <br />ARDEN HILLS PARKS, TRAILS & RECREATION COMMITTEE <br />SEPTEMBER 26,2000 <br />REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS, PRESENTATION FOR PROPOSED <br />COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN <br />At 7:45 p.m., Bob Coster, Augie Wong, Katherine Ryan, and Barry Gore from BRW provided <br />their credentials and presented an overview of their firm's approach for a Comprehensive Park <br />Plan. <br />Committee members posed questions regarding aspects of the presentation, and Mr. Coster <br />responded accordingly. <br />Council Liaison Grant expressed concerns regarding several recent design options presented by <br />BRW (i.e., a proposed warminghouse at Ingerson Park, and suggested extension of a section of <br />trail), and the unrealistic cost estimates of those two projects. Mr. Grant stated that any proposed <br />improvements related to a Comprehensive Park Plan needed to be realistic and feasible. <br />REVIEW OF WINTER ICE RINK PROGRAM <br />Director Moore introduced the next agenda item, entitled "Review of the Winter Ice Rink <br />Program," with staff providing a written and verbal recap of the 1999/2000 season. <br />Committee member Crassweller responded that he would prefer that the committee review the <br />Valentine Park ice rink issue as a separate item at this time. <br />At that point, Mr. Moore reviewed the numerous e-mails, petition, and correspondence received <br />by staff as related to the Valentine Park ice rink, and provided for committee members in the <br />packet. Mr. Moore introduced the Valentine Hills neighborhood representative, Fran Holmes. <br />Ms. Holmes provided an overview of neighborhood concerns regarding re-establishment of the <br />ice rink at Valentine Park. Ms. Holmes expressed concern regarding the decision to close the ice <br />rink, and questioned the City's rationale regarding costs, the aesthetics of continuing the <br />"neighborhood" rink; and warminghouse staffing issues. <br />Mr. Moore responded to Ms. Holmes, from a staff perspective, reviewed programming issues for <br />Valentine Park ice rink and provided additional information regarding the process; usage; <br />maintenance; staffing and budget concerns; Comprehensive Park Plan development; and then <br />deferred to Ms. Olson to continue addressing staff concerns. <br />Ms. Olson discussed various programming issues, providing a historical perspective for the staff <br />and Council's decision to no longer have an ice rink at Valentine Park. Ms. Olson deferred to <br />Dave Winkel, the City's Parks Maintenance Foreman, to provide his expertise regarding various <br />maintenance issues. <br />Mr. Winkel addressed the various maintenance issues, using a visual display of the park and <br />warminghouse. Those issues included the location of the ice rink on the softball infield and <br />