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06-27-00 PTRC
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PTRC Minutes/Packets/(1968 to 2009)
06-27-00 PTRC
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*** After letting the dam sit for several hours, an evaluation of the dam's permeability will be taken and <br />a possible addition of a liner will be added in order to increase the amount of water that is held back. The liner <br />material would be draped on the upstream side of the dam, and more rocks would be placed up against it to hold <br />the liner in place. Another possible problem is that the rock may sink into the creek bed. I have confirmed that <br />Arden Hills will be able to dump another load of rock within one day if it is needed. This extra rock would be <br />fitted on top of the sinking dam in order to keep the dam high enough to hold the water back. * * * <br />The use of two or three shovels, as many wheelbarrows as are available, and a pair of work gloves for <br />each helper, will be needed. The safety hazards that could arise could include: dropping rocks on hands and <br />feet, blisters and scrapes on hands from working with the rocks for hours on end, possible muscle injuries from <br />lifting heavy rocks and carting loads of rocks by wheelbarrow, and heat related problems like exhaustion and <br />possible heatstroke. The delivery of the rocks will occur the day before work is started, so that no one will be <br />hurt as they are unloaded. I will spend a couple of minutes with each day's work crew explaining and <br />Demonstrating how to properly lift heavy objects, like rocks, and I will also demonstrate the correct load sizes to <br />be carried in a wheelbarrow. Work gloves will be provided to help prevent basic wear and tear on the hands, <br />and to help reduce rock -handling discomfort, which is usually why rocks are accidentally dropped on fingers <br />and feet. A first aid kit will be on hand with Band-Aids for minor cuts and scraps and materials to take care of <br />blisters. Also available will be lots of water and some `Gatorade' type drinks to reduce the risks of overheating <br />and heat exhaustion. <br />For this project, boy scouts from my troop and other troops, my family, family friends, neighbors, and <br />possibly some volunteers from the Arden Hills Park and Recreation Department, will be involved in the <br />planning and/or the physical working that will be involved in this project. The bulk of the project will take <br />place on three days. Tuesday and Wednesday for the main work, Thursday for observations, and Friday to wrap <br />the project up and mend any problems. Each of the three main days, my goal is to have eight to ten workers and <br />4work for approximately five hours. <br />
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