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03-28-00 PTRC
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Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee (PTRC)
PTRC Minutes/Packets/(1968 to 2009)
03-28-00 PTRC
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easement. We have not been able to track down record of an easement between the two <br />• houses on Lot #14 & 15 (1110 & 1120 Ingerson). It should be recorded at the county <br />and they have not replied to us yet. We have nothing in our records. <br />3. Presbyterian Homes Soccer Field Usage <br />Staff reported on this. An additional handout was provided. The field will be laid out <br />with a regulation size field and also two smaller practice fields extending through the <br />width. The out of pocket costs are split 50-50 with Northwestern College and the City. <br />Every other year we will alternate the maintenance of the fields. This is a win -win <br />situation for all involved parties. NSSA will have some opportunities to use this. <br />4. Day in the Park <br />Staff reported that preparation for the event is coming along. We have come to a <br />crossroad. We are ready to go but we now need to raise the money. We need $5,000 to <br />upgrade the program substantially. This will be our trial year for the next year, which <br />will be the Anniversary year. Louis Speggen suggested that the City purchase a couple <br />of tents for use at all special events. Ray McGraw, from the City Events Task Force, has <br />offered to help staff raise the funds. Jim Crassweller said that all we have to do is come <br />up with a couple of gimmicks to attract the people (like Shoreview — Slice of <br />Shoreview). They had a fire hose and were spraying people. There were a lot of people <br />there. Pat Krenn asked why were chose Perry Park and Staff reported that the decision <br />• was made that only three parks are large enough for the event. Perry Park, Cummings <br />and Hazelnut and the event will be rotated between those parks. <br />5. Adopt a Flower Garden <br />Staff reported that letters have been sent out to past participants (volunteers). We have a <br />total of 7 sites. The City office staff will probably take one site. Staff is recommending <br />that the Parks and Recreation Committee take a site and are proposing to the City <br />Council that they, too, take a site. This event provides the opportunity to get out and <br />meet people, interact with council and staff. Staff will present these proposals formally <br />at an upcoming committee meeting. We are planning on converting two flowerbeds to <br />perennials, and/or wild flowers. We are doing that for a couple of reasons. #1. Back -To - <br />Nature appearance or perennial. #2. Easier Maintenance. It will take three years for <br />them to become established. Rich Straumann was at a meeting with a scouting master <br />and master gardener and they suggested that we put some perennials in the back and <br />annuals in the front. Eventually the goal is to convert the seven sites over to <br />perennial/wild flower/native flower gardens. This type of set up hopefully would be <br />more efficient for us. The question was brought up by Don Tix that would the costs be <br />higher the first couple of years. Staff reported that Ray Robinson, at Alternative <br />Landscaping, would probably give us a deal. Steve Zilmer asked about Alternative <br />Landscaping — don't they just deal with plants, not seeds? Staff responded that our <br />gardens are not large enough for seeds. Lou Speggen brought up that the residents who <br />• plant along New Brighton and Stowe Avenue have impressive gardens. It has taken 3 <br />years to establish them. Landscaping Alternative will design the gardens and provide the <br />
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