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02-29-00 PTRC
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Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee (PTRC)
PTRC Minutes/Packets/(1968 to 2009)
02-29-00 PTRC
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ON <br />intentions. Ms. McClung brought up concerns over the idea that it may give this owner <br />leverage when it comes to City Council. Jim Crassweller felt it was well worth <br />exploring. It looks like it is a way to get us "unlandlocked" if Option #1 does not work, <br />The Committee directed Staff to explore the option and see what happens. <br />3. Arden Hills Park Land, Next to Ingerson Park. <br />Staff reported on a small, square piece of land that Arden Hills owns and it is dedicated <br />as an Arden Hills Park. It is not named and it is swamp and wetlands. Discussion took <br />place on where it is and what could be done with it. Staff will take a look at it. <br />4. Ingerson Park Theme <br />Steve Zilmer reported that he had surveyed the entire neighborhood on what their ideas <br />are on the park. What would they like to see? He handed out 100 flyers and only got 7 <br />responses. The summary of the responses was handed out and discussion took place. <br />The responses had some common themes. Many indicated that it is a Winter Park and <br />heavily used for sledding, etc. Also, the basketball court is heavily used during warm <br />weather. <br />Steve Zilmer liked the response in regards to a bird sanctuary. Howard Hoff, a <br />neighborhood resident, stated in his survey that he had talked to a gentleman from the <br />University of Minnesota. This gentleman felt that with the hill, trees and swamp there, it <br />is perfect for a bird sanctuary. This response really peaked his interest. He stated it <br />might be worthwhile to make it into something like that. The park does seem more <br />passive to him. <br />Staff reported that they think it would be a positive image for the City to get the <br />neighbors input and make something out of Ingerson. <br />Jim Crasswell saw common themes. Birds and a winter park. So how do we promote <br />summer birds and winter sledding? There has to be a way to improve what we already <br />have. <br />Steve Zilmer brought up the idea of an area for butterflies. Staff reported on ideas <br />regarding the Audubon Society. We asked for their help and offered to work together <br />with them, by giving volunteers, promoting their programs in the Recreation Guide, <br />cleaning up parks, improve habitat, etc. We would like to pursue this relationship. <br />Jim Crasswell brought up the idea of Cross -Country skiing. Could we set up a course <br />around the outside perimeters for adults and families? The children can sled while the <br />adult's ski. He suggested asking Barbara Hewitt, a local realtor. She is a very good <br />skier and she could help by looking at the site to and see if she felt it would work for a <br />course. <br />3 <br />
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