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Mr. Moore commended the Parks Maintenance staff for their continuing quality work. He stated <br /> • that he prepared an ongoing punchlist on a monthly basis for each park,provides the information <br /> to the maintenance staff, and they perform the functions as noted. Mr. Moore stated that the <br /> committee should see noticeable improvements (i.e., trimming; lighting, etc.) evident at all parks. <br /> Discussion of the Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan <br /> Mr. Moore reported that he was informally interviewing potential consultants regarding the <br /> development of a Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan. The two firms he had interviewed <br /> to-date included Ingram and Associates, and SEH. <br /> Mr. Moore advised that whichever firm was chosen, they would be coming to the committee for <br /> guidance; would seek historical input; perform a survey of residents (demographically— <br /> neighborhood by neighborhood); incorporate future planning already in place; existing and <br /> potential cooperation with the School District; and then formulate a ten-year plan. Mr. Moore <br /> anticipated substantial work required on the committee's part. <br /> Council Liaison Grant, and the committee, were of the consensus that the Parks and Recreation <br /> Committee discuss and identify their specific requested direction and guidance at the next <br /> schedule committee meeting. <br /> Mr. Moore stated that staff had reviewed a copy of the City of Long Lakes guidelines,which <br /> had been very informative. <br /> • On a related note, Committee member Straumann expressed concern with references being made <br /> to the Comprehensive"Parks Plan," and suggested that the Plan, and future reference to the <br /> Committee itself be known as the "Comprehensive Parks, Trails and Recreation Plan," and the <br /> "Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee respectively. The committee concurred. <br /> MOTION: Committee member Crassweller moved and member Zilmer seconded a <br /> motion to make a formal recommendation to the City Council that the Parks and <br /> Recreation Committee be renamed the "Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee," <br /> and the proposed Comprehensive Parks Plan be hereinafter referred to as the <br /> "Comprehensive Parks, Trails and Recreation Plan." The motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Moore was asked to present both of these recommendations to the City <br /> Council at their July 10, 2000 meeting. <br /> Several safety issues were discussed by the committee, with emphasis on the County Road E-2 <br /> stretch of road, where access is not available to trails or off-road walkways. Discussion ensued <br /> as to the possibility of a trail from the City's pump house on the south side, and connect into the <br /> trail along Valentine Hills Elementary School. Committee members were of the opinion that <br /> Ramsey County owned a portion of this area, and other properties involved right-of-way along <br /> the south side for the Rice Creek Watershed District. <br />