lo3, 2001 NEWS
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<br /> ,Students play.br<lomball' t Freerrn
<br /> the city's parks planning.
<br /> RDEN HILLS.
<br /> � z v
<br /> purvey fi-ist, step
<br /> City wants to know
<br /> Lynch said,
<br /> If it's meeting needs: The $5000 public opinion survey
<br /> should get residents dung Th
<br /> CYNTHIA BOYD STAFF WRITER the functions of,
<br /> as whether all p � + , �r ' s pe' ii,t`ent
<br /> while back, DETAILS playgrounds GostnQ
<br /> a few mem- $4 t0 004 m � f�
<br /> hers of the some, t
<br /> `cIt 's Park An Inventoryi y , will also con- chit
<br /> kTrails and to different purposes,'Lytch sa tit par . and recreation creeds based
<br /> e c r e a t i o n cider park and Citizens mi ht want some arks on than demographics, recce
<br /> Committee of trail develop• g P grog
<br /> g ment of the to revert L to open spaces,,or be atiott trends, land use and develop-
<br /> ost on their Twin Cities designated as an unleashed` pet, mentilijuides and community'
<br /> z ,ay to survey Armory Ammu- area or a Frisbee park', for input;' said president Greg Ingra
<br /> city parks. instance Moore said. ham. That includes the h sicaf
<br /> eems the "si nition Plant � p y
<br /> „ g- property. A The process includes a series of descriptions of parks, trails and
<br /> �,nage, as Arden neighborhood meetings in March facilities.
<br /> first draft of ��.
<br /> Hills city the surveywhere'residents and officials will The firm will be looking at the
<br /> administrator could be :discuss the city's parks and trails "big" park picture plus revitaliza-
<br /> Joe Lynch' putsfor the system. tion possibilities at each park, said
<br /> it, was not quite, ;Trails and Resident,q Resident Fran Holmes looks for- Ingraham,,whose firm,compiled..a
<br /> as helpful as it ward to speaking again with city master plan for the city of New
<br /> Recreation
<br /> could be. Committee for°~ officials and planners about park Brighto> ,1:, ears agihat
<br /> The experi' Its tan. 23 spaces, though she questions the led`to
<br /> ence signaled g expense hxrzn , a insulting ing tra meetin
<br /> the need for the firm
<br /> � �� a �.� ne}ghborhood centers in four
<br /> city to take a Last trill Holmes'ain'L `others parks.
<br /> Tong, hard look at its park system . from the.Valentine Hills neighbor- In a letter"to the city, Ingraham
<br /> L rich said.to hood fo
<br /> �
<br /> A,'hen a p
<br /> missioned b` s°a at"^ ..e ai '" an a"Con]niI tyh' hould `
<br /> Council begins appearing in citi- Lake Valentine Road and Oid ,some facilities be renovated or
<br /> ns' mailboxes. The survey is the,. Snelling Avenue.'City staff mein converted ?,What new recce-
<br /> ` i'rst step in ,an approximately hers did not ice the rink there last +stitui facilits are needed? How
<br /> $60,000 multi-step process that winter, though it was a 30-year. "can the trail system be.improved
<br /> will lead to the compilation of the tradition, because fewer people to connect the community?"
<br /> city's first-Comprehensive Parks used the small rink than used The inventory will consider park
<br /> and Trail System Master Plan. other rinks around town, staff said. and trail development of the Twin
<br /> "My hope is that it .will give us But she and her neighborhood Cities Armory Ammunition Plant
<br /> a better sense of what parks mean argued they have "few, amenities" property, as well.
<br /> to the community," said Lois with the exception of the small Ingraham said a first draft of
<br /> Rem, Arden Hills council member. park with a warming house and the survey should be ready for the
<br /> "We want to know, 'Are we some swings and climbing appara- Parks, Trails and Recreation Com
<br /> meeting your needs?' " said Tom tus. The council agreed to the citi- mittee for its Jan. 23 meeting.
<br /> Moore, the city's new Parks and zens' request and asked city staff ,
<br /> "*;Creation director: to give them their rink. Last Cynthia Boyd can be reached at
<br /> "It will be our blueprint,,for week, 100 neighbors celebrated the eboydepioneerpress.com or(651)228-
<br /> the parks and trails system," return of the ice with a potluck at 2116,
<br />