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ARDEN HILLS PARKS,TRAILS & RECREATION COMMITTEE 3 <br /> MOTION: Committee M• C e ember Crassweller moved and Chairperson <br /> Johnson seconded the motion to keep two rinks open as a <br /> pilot project and directed Staff to choose which two rinks <br /> will remain open. The motion carried unanimously. <br /> Ms. Olson told the Committee there were sledding issues with Hazelnut Park as children <br /> slide down the hill into the hockey rink breaking the boards and causing a safety hazard. <br /> There are sledders knocking over skaters as they go down the hill and a girl also suffered <br /> injuries requiring stitches when she ran into the light pole. <br /> Chairperson Johnson suggested putting signs in the parking lot that say no sliding. <br /> Ms. Olson indicated there are already signs posted indicating sliding is not allowed. <br /> Council Liaison Larson asked if it would be feasible to extend the skating season for two <br /> weeks instead of one. <br /> Ms. Olson indicated that in most years weather does not permit the extension of the <br /> skating season. <br /> Council Liaison questioned if there would be enough use to justify the expenditure as <br /> people have an expectation of when the rinks close and the leagues are based on the <br /> • typical schedule of the skating rinks. <br /> Chairperson Johnson indicated his hockey teams practice and play indoors and that any <br /> ice time outdoors is a bonus and basically for fun and to practice skating. He also stated <br /> he felt there would be enough interest to justify the expenditure to keep two rinks open <br /> weather permitting. <br /> Ms. Olson told the Committee there were a lot of complaints concerning the Bethel <br /> broomball teams this year and questioned whether the City needed to change the stopping <br /> time from 10:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. <br /> It was the consent of the Committee to direct Staff to inform Bethel that the ice rinks will <br /> close at 10:00 p.m. next year. <br /> Ms. Olson told the Committee there were concerns for allowing broomball players to use <br /> the ice rinks. She then asked the Committee how they wished to handle the issue of <br /> allowing time for broomball players, hockey players and pleasure skaters. <br /> Chairperson Johnson stated he felt there were enough off hours' times to accommodate <br /> broomball players. <br /> Ms. Olson stated she would like to try to accommodate all types of uses for the ice rinks. <br /> i <br />