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ARDEN HILLS PARKS, TRAILS & RECREATION COMMITTEE 2 <br /> Mr. Moore indicated it was not and credited the improvements made for preventing water <br /> • from flooding the park. <br /> BUCK THORN REMOVAL PROGRAM <br /> Mr. Moore reported Phil Fable of 3426 Glen Arden Court is very active in buck thorn <br /> removal and wishes to help the City organize a buck thorn removal program. <br /> Committee Member Crassweller suggested Mr. Fable be asked to lead the City's buck <br /> thorn removal program. <br /> Mr. Moore stated he would contact Mr. Fable and ask him to start the City's buck thorn <br /> removal program. <br /> ADOPT A FLOWER GARDEN <br /> Mr. Moore reminded Committee Members that the Adopt a Flower Garden event was <br /> scheduled for May 19, 2001 starting with breakfast at 9:00 a.m. at the Holiday Inn. <br /> 50TH DAY IN THE PARK UPDATE <br /> Mr. Moore reminded Committee Members that the 501"Day in the Park Celebration is <br /> scheduled for June 23, 2001. He then asked the Committee to consider either walking or <br /> • riding in the parade as a group. <br /> Committee Member Crassweller suggested carrying banners and wearing some sort of <br /> costume that was parks, trails or recreation oriented. <br /> COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT <br /> Council Liaison Larson reported Council would be considering a right of way ordinance <br /> that was developed by the League of Minnesota Cities to cover the use of the right of way <br /> by communications organizations. <br /> Council Liaison Larson reported Council had approved the audiovisual contract for the <br /> new City Hall facility. He then indicated it would be a state of the art facility when <br /> completed. <br /> Council Liaison Larson reported there is a bill before the state legislature to provide for a <br /> sales tax exemption for materials used in the new City Hall facility. <br /> Council Liaison Larson reported Council had discussed what to do with the <br /> approximately $170,000 surplus in the general fund. He explained the surplus is due to <br /> the fact the City did not do the street improvement project this year. He then noted <br /> Council decided to assign some of the money to costs associated with City Hall and the <br /> rest of the money will go into an account for the new public works facility. <br />