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08-28-01 PTRC
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Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee (PTRC)
PTRC Minutes/Packets/(1968 to 2009)
08-28-01 PTRC
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ARDEN HILLS PARKS, TRAILS & RECREATION COMMITTEE 2 <br /> • summer programs have increased the revenue adding that the statistics for all summer <br /> programs will be ready for the September meeting. <br /> Mr. Moore referenced a Park To Do list and reviewed the contents, park by park, with the <br /> Committee. He explained that this provides a review of the upkeep and maintenance of <br /> the parks. He stated that they purchased new signage and that they have ordered nine <br /> more playground signs, two for the freeway, two for Floral, two for Ballentine and two <br /> that were stolen that will be replaced. He stated that four directional signs are being <br /> installed for Crepeau Park, one to be located at Lexington Avenue for the northbound, <br /> one sign each to be located at the east and west end of Harriet and Benton Way, and one <br /> sign at Pine for the southbound traffic. <br /> Mr. Moore stated that they have not had to do much mowing and this has allowed them <br /> time to do other things on their list. He reviewed the City street projects that are <br /> scheduled by the County with the Committee. He explained that the County said that <br /> these projects could go from now until the end of September. He stated that the County <br /> has committed to try and call ahead in order to notify when work will begin and that they <br /> will also be updating the schedule via the web. <br /> Mr. Moore stated that there has been a watering ban in affect on the north side of City <br /> adding that this is due to the work on the north water tower. He stated that the watering <br /> • ban would be lifted at 12-midnight today, July 24, 2001. He noted the severe water <br /> pressure problems in the City and provided an example of the water level in south towers. <br /> He stated that normally the level is at 40-feet adding that there have been two instances <br /> where the levels were in the negative, that they were out of water. He stated that the <br /> northern area was the heaviest use area by industry guidelines. He stated that the <br /> businesses in the area have been very cooperative. He stated that they should be able to <br /> have the water tower filled by this Friday, July 27, 2001. <br /> Committee Member Tix stated there is a tree down on Ingerson. <br /> REVIEW OF PARK COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMUNITY MEETINGS <br /> Mr. Moore asked for comments from the Committee. <br /> Council Liaison Gregg Larson asked if they had good attendance at the community <br /> meetings. <br /> Mr. Moore reviewed the meeting process and intent with the Committee. He stated that <br /> they had neighborhood representatives in attendance at several of the meetings so all <br /> neighbors did not need to come to the meeting. He stated that there was good <br /> representation from each of the neighborhoods and reviewed the results of the meetings <br /> with the Committee. He reviewed the attendance numbers and stated the meetings went <br /> • very well and provided the residents with the opportunity to speak adding that everyone <br /> learned a lot. He stated that Mr. Engrain would gather the information and prepare it for <br />
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