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14 <br />186721v2 <br />1320.075 Special Requirements for the Single Family Residential (R1) District. (added <br />6/23/11) <br /> <br />Subd. 1 Procedure. The application and the administrative and review procedure <br />established in Section 1355.04 Subd 3, Conditional Use Permits and in Appendix A, <br />Procedural Manual, shall be followed for all development that requires a Conditional <br />Use Permit. Conditional Use Permits are not required for permitted uses that occupy <br />approved buildings. <br /> <br />Subd. 2 Special Regulations for General Education and Higher Education, School <br />uses. General Education uses shall be allowed with an approved Conditional Use <br />Permit, and Higher Education uses shall be allowed with an approved Planned Unit <br />Development. In addition to the requirements in Section 1355 for Conditional Use <br />Permits and Planned Unit Developments, School uses within the R1 District shall also <br />be required to meet the following requirements: <br /> <br />A. Be located in a campus setting on a contiguous area of land no less <br />than ten (10) acres in size; <br /> <br />B. The campus setting shall be comprised of main buildings and out <br />buildings that are owned or leased by the institution or school district <br />providing the School use, and within which are offered a mix of no fewer than <br />four of the following educational uses: classrooms, laboratories, <br />administrative and faculty offices, chapels, auditoriums, libraries, lecture <br />halls, student and faculty centers, athletic facilities, student housing, dining <br />facilities, and/or other school related uses as approved by the City Council. <br />1320.08 Special Requirements for the Neighborhood Business (NB) District. (revised <br />4/28/08) <br /> <br />Subd. 1 Procedure. The application and the administrative and review procedure <br />established in Section 1355.04 Subd 3, Conditional Use Permits and in Appendix A, <br />Procedural Manual, shall be followed for all development that involves new building <br />construction, modification of a building's exterior or modification of the site. <br />Conditional Use Permits are not required for permitted uses that occupy approved <br />buildings that do not require exterior building modification or site modification. This <br />provision is subject to any modifications or additions set forth in this Section. The <br />prescribed procedure may be modified by the City to allow planning flexibility and to <br />encourage cooperative dialogue between the applicant and the City. <br /> <br />Subd. 2 Special Regulations for Permitted Uses in the NB District. Permitted uses <br />are allowed as specified in the Land Use Chart, Section 1320.05, for the NB District. <br />However, this Code specifies additional requirements for Clinics; Financial <br />Institutions & Service; and Retail Sales & Service. These uses can, if unrestricted, <br />place unacceptable levels of traffic on these sites and streets that would negatively <br />impact adjacent residential uses outside the neighborhood business district.