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19 <br />186721v2 <br />6. Outdoor bulk storage buildings, including but not limited to, forest, <br />metal, concrete, agricultural and petroleum products, chemicals and <br />similar products. <br /> <br />7. Manufacturing or processing that generates hazardous waste <br />without a valid Hazardous Waste Generator's license from the Ramsey <br />County Public Health Department. <br /> <br />Subd. 3 Special Regulations for Drive-up Windows. Section 1325.04 of the <br />Zoning Ordinance specifies additional requirements for drive-up windows and <br />automobile service stations. The provision whereby the proximity requirement of one <br />thousand three hundred and twenty (1,320) feet between drive-up windows may be <br />waived if the following conditions are met as determined by the City Council: <br /> <br />A. The architectural treatment, circulation plan, and signage system of <br />such businesses shall be designed to visually and functionally integrate the <br />building and the site on which it is located. <br /> <br />B. The applicant shall submit a circulation plan that demonstrates that the <br />use will not interfere or reduce the safety of non-motorized movements, <br />specifically pedestrian and bicyclists. <br /> <br />C. Requested modifications to the provisions in section 1325.04 shall be <br />stated in writing along with an explanation of why the modifications would be <br />in the public interest and would be consistent with the purpose of the B-2 <br />District. <br /> <br />Subd. 4 Hotel/Motel Additional Conditional Use Permit Criteria. In addition to <br />meeting the requirements of Section 1345 and 1355.04 Subd 3, hotel/motels shall <br />conform to the following: <br /> <br />A. Meet building code requirements. <br /> <br />B. Entrance to each room shall be from an indoor corridor. <br /> <br />C. Landscaping shall be brought into conformance with section 1325.05 <br />Subd 1. <br /> <br />Subd. 5 Assisted Living Additional Planned Unit Development Criteria. (revised <br />7/7/11) In addition to meeting the requirements of Section 1325, an existing hotel- <br />motel use may be used for assisted living upon approval of a Master Planned Unit <br />Development provided that all of the following requirements are met: <br /> <br />A. The building to be used for assisted living meets applicable building <br />and fire codes as determined by the Fire Marshal and Building Official. <br />