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27 <br />186721v2 <br />I. Uses that the City may determine are incompatible with its objectives <br />or with development as it may occur, thereby imposing or establishing new or <br />unforeseen standards. <br /> <br />Subd. 4 Development Standards. <br /> <br />A. All district standards specified in Section 1320.06 must be met. <br /> <br />B. Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR). The total FAR shall not exceed <br />0.8. <br /> <br />C. Building Height and Setback. To accomplish the intensity and scale of <br />development consistent with the defined purpose of the CC District, multi- <br />story buildings will be allowed. <br /> <br />1. State Highways or County Roads: Minimum building setback is 60 <br />feet. Building setbacks from State Highways or County Roads are <br />measured from roadway easement line. <br /> <br />2. Parking setbacks. Parking areas shall be set back twenty (20) feet <br />from all roadways. The side yard setback requirement for parking is five <br />(5) feet. <br /> <br />3. Parking between the front of the building and the roadway is not <br />permitted. Parking lots must be setback to be placed either even with or <br />behind the primary structure. <br /> <br />4. Thirty-five (35) feet is the maximum height allowed. <br /> <br />5. The use of stepped building heights is encouraged to provide visual <br />transition. This applies to both multi-building complexes and single <br />buildings. <br /> <br />6. The location of buildings relative to their heights will consider <br />views and relationship from within the CC District and from public and <br />private areas off the site. <br /> <br />D. Landscaping and screening. Appropriate and unified landscaping is <br />essential to effectively meet the defined purpose of the CC District. <br /> <br />1. A landscape plan shall be submitted as required in Section <br />1325.05, Subd 1 of the Zoning Code. <br /> <br />2. Fences. If fences are used for landscape screening, they must <br />conform to the following: <br />