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JDA Minutes
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Mark Ruff, Ehlers & Associates, believed the JDA was being asked how quickly they wanted to <br />move forward with the Master Developer Solicitation. And, the JDA may need to look more <br />closely at its goals for the TCAAP development in order to move forward. It was his experience <br />that developers were able to navigate through two differing bodies and sets of goals. He <br />believed the more important objective was if the members were comfortable with the <br />Solicitation. <br />Chair Sand asked if the JDA had to set its own goals and objectives for the TCAAP development. <br />JDA Attorney Norton advised the JDA does not have to establish its own goals. However, the <br />JDA was supposed to approve the Master Developer and the criteria for this should be clear for <br />all entities involved. Further discussion ensued regarding the approval process. <br />Commissioner Grant questioned if the JDA could pursue a Master Developer prior to the County <br />approving the Master Plan. JDA Attorney Norton commented that the JDA could embark on the <br />process of pursuing a Master Developer. However, he indicated the JDA could not implement <br />the development process until the County approved the Master Plan. <br />Chair Sand suggested on Page 4 of the draft Solicitation that the goals read as follows: The City <br />has the land use authority and the County was the landowner. Both have distinct but similar <br />goals for the orderly and timely redevelopment of RCC. The goals generally include job <br />creation, transit and mobility opportunities, energy and environmental resiliency, housing <br />diversity, natural resource protection, community vitality, interconnection and enhanced <br />recreational features. He asked if the JDA members could agree to these goals. <br />Commissioner Holden believed this language was fine, but suggested the City's goals be <br />attached to the Master Developer Solicitation as a separate document in the same manner as <br />the County did. She questioned how the JDA would evaluate and measure the responses to the <br />Solicitation given the fact the goals were not consistent between the two agencies. She <br />believed that the Solicitation should be held off until this issue can be resolved. <br />Commissioner Grant discussed a previous conversation the JDA had regarding housing diversity. <br />He believed the JDA had to come to an agreement regarding the housing diversity that would <br />be provided on TCAAP prior to the site being developed, or a Master Developer being sought. <br />He recommended the percentages be more clearly defined. <br />Chair Sand requested clarification from the County. <br />Administrative Director Worthington stated the metric suggested that 10% of all housing units <br />and 20% of the owner occupied units to meet Met Council affordability levels. <br />Development Director Hutmacher believed the language as written had overlapping <br />requirements (and not stacking) with regard to affordable housing. <br />Further discussion ensued regarding the affordable housing requirements and goals for TCAAP. <br />
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