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6/13/2016 11:14:52 AM
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6/13/2016 11:12:04 AM
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public outreach would begin along with public communication. He wanted the development to <br />be successful for his team, as well as the community. He understood that time was the enemy <br />in real estate and he would really have to get after this project. <br />Mr. Carlson -discussed the vision for Rice Creek Commons, noting this would be an inclusive <br />development. He would be reaching out to brokerage communities and the commercial broker <br />communities in order to reach key corporate users and commercial construction businesses. <br />He discussed the important relationships he had with commercial construction businesses and <br />how these connections would be tapped in order to assist in bringing key businesses to this <br />community. He stated key elements that will make this development successful would be the <br />trails and natural environment of the site. Another important element to the site would be <br />having restaurants and key anchors, such as a grocery store or fitness center. <br />Mr. Shaver added that the major initial operation would be reaching out to brokerage firms and <br />architectural firms in order to make them aware of what was being planned. He understood <br />Todd would be building beautiful homes and Mary would be keeping the project in check. <br />However, the ability to attract and retain the employment base was crucial. His job would be <br />to convince corporate America that this was a great environment to house their employees <br />long-term. <br />Mr. Stutz discussed the importance of walkability with natural amenities within this <br />development and all of Arden Hills. He commented on the market research that would have to <br />be conducted in the first six months in order for him to understand the proper mix of housing <br />that would be needed for the site and who he would be housing within the development. <br />Ms. Bak believed Alatus would have to start by branding the site through signage and social <br />media. Once the land use parcels were being developed, the group would have to be <br />descriptive as to what would be implemented. Through her previous work in Glenview she <br />understood the importance of tying the TCAAP site into the rest of the community. <br />Mr. Lux stated that beyond just building buildings, a sense of place would have to be created. <br />This would be done through the right name and the right people. He then discussed the density <br />goals for the site and requested further comment from Mr. Stutz. <br />Mr. Stutz commented on the housing developments within TCAAP. He believed the <br />neighborhoods would be high-quality, diverse and would have a great deal of character. He <br />understood there would be a need for non-traditional families. <br />Mr. Lux believed in order for this development to be successful each element within the <br />development would have to reek of quality. By doing this, this would create the most value, a <br />higher tax base and the development would attract both residents and commercial users. He <br />wanted to see TCAAP attract the right users noting this would assist the property in developing <br />in a faster amount of time. <br />
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