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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—APRIL 25, 2016 10 <br /> Councilmember Holden was in favor of moving some of the trees to allow better sight lines for <br /> the monument sign along with having additional perennial plantings. <br /> Mayor Grant commented that a very small variance was approved for E Street Flats but noted <br /> that this was done due to the fact that the property had multiple tenants. <br /> Senior Planner Bachler added that the City also allowed flexibility in that both signs fronted <br /> County Road E. Staff noted that the second monument sign was only to be 25 square feet based <br /> on the sign code requirement and was allowed to be 51.2 square feet in size. <br /> Mayor Grant provided further comment on the monument sign location discussion that was held <br /> by the Planning Commission. He did not support this site having a larger monument sign in an <br /> effort to attract traffic from Lexington Avenue. He stated that the building was where the building <br /> was. He did not believe the Sign Code should be disregarded because of the building's location. <br /> Councilmember McClung feared that even at the sign size requested by the applicant, the sign <br /> would not be seen from Lexington Avenue. <br /> Mayor Grant agreed. <br /> Councilmember Holmes understood that Now Bike & Fitness believed that their sign was too <br /> small. <br /> Councilmember Holden appreciated the renovations that would be put into the building. She <br /> recommended that the applicant consider a sidewalk or safe passageway connection from this <br /> property to Arden Plaza. She requested further comment from the applicant regarding the <br /> landscaping plan. <br /> Andrew Commers, Commers Property Development, appreciated the Council's consideration. <br /> He explained that his small family-owned company has a 25 year history with this building. He <br /> was happy to be working with the City on the planned renovations for this property. He discussed <br /> the proposed landscaping noting the site was currently under parked. For this reason, additional <br /> parking was being proposed. He highlighted the plantings that would be added and noted that the <br /> property would only have one entrance to County Road E after the project was completed. He <br /> reported that he was willing to make a pedestrian connection to the neighboring property. <br /> Councilmember Wicklund did not object to the percentage of landscaping coverage. He <br /> recommended that the Council address the proper placement of the monument sign and trees in <br /> exchange for the monument sign size. <br /> Councilmember Holmes further discussed the landscape plan. She understood that the three <br /> trees to be planted by the monument sign would be new. She wanted to see more perennial <br /> plantings along County Road E versus the trees. She feared that the monument sign would be <br /> hidden by all of the trees. <br /> Mr. Commers supported the perennial beds along County Road E being expanded and enhanced. <br />