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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—APRIL 25, 2016 12 <br /> could support the larger sign as this would improve visibility of the site from Lexington Avenue. <br /> He commented on the importance of gaining a high quality tenant for this space. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if sign height included the base of the monument sign. <br /> Senior Planner Bachler reported that this was the case. <br /> Mayor Grant questioned if the sign would sit in a valley from the general view of the roadway. <br /> Senior Planner Bachler indicated that there was a slight grade change from the roadway to the <br /> proposed monument sign location. <br /> Councilmember Holden estimated the grade change to be two feet. <br /> Councilmember Holmes understood that the applicant wanted the monument sign on the east <br /> side of the property for visibility reasons. She asked if the applicant would support moving the <br /> sign to the entrance. <br /> Mr. Commers supported the sign remaining at the east corner of the property. However, after <br /> speaking with local real estate brokers, he would rather have a 13-foot monument sign and <br /> explained that he would be willing to move the sign. <br /> Councilmember Holden suggested that the sign be located in the middle of the property versus to <br /> one end or the other. <br /> Mr. Commers indicated that the original monument sign location was proposed based on view- <br /> shed with respect to the existing trees on the property. <br /> Councilmember Wicklund inquired how the sign height would be measured on a sloping hill. <br /> Senior Planner Bachler stated that he believed the City would measure the height based on the <br /> lowest elevation point to the highest point of the sign. <br /> Councilmember Wicklund recommended that the sign be moved to the alternative location and <br /> that the sign height be measured from the tallest point on the sloping hill. <br /> AMENDMENT TO <br /> THE AMENDMENT: Councilmember Wicklund moved and Councilmember McClung <br /> seconded a motion to amend the amendment requiring the monument <br /> sign to be moved to the alternative location and that the sign height be <br /> measured from the tallest point on the sloping hill. <br /> Councilmember Holden did not support the amendment. She believed it would be difficult for <br /> staff to properly measure the height of the sign on the slope. <br />