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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—APRIL 25, 2016 5 <br /> L. Motion for Authorization to Appoint Seasonal Maintenance Workers <br /> M. Motion for Authorization to Appoint Public Works Maintenance Worker Position <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Holmes seconded a <br /> motion to approve the Consent Calendar as presented and to authorize <br /> execution of all necessary documents contained therein. The motion carried <br /> unanimously (5-0). <br /> 6. PULLED CONSENT ITEMS <br /> None. <br /> 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> None. <br /> 8. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. PC 16-003—Master and Final PUD—1160 County Road E (Arden Square) <br /> Senior Planner Bachler stated that the property at 1160 County Road E was first developed as a <br /> seasonal ski and golf shop in the early 1970s. In 1992, the Commers Company completed site <br /> modifications to accommodate a new bank user, including the removal of a portion of the west <br /> side of the building for five drive-up lanes under the existing building roof. Today, the 4,500 <br /> square foot space that was occupied by TCF Bank is vacant and the roof over the drive-up lanes <br /> has been removed. American Red Cross is the only tenant in the building and occupies <br /> approximately 5,000 square feet of space. <br /> Senior Planner Bachler indicated that the proposed site modifications are part of a broader <br /> reinvestment in the property being undertaken by Arden Square in an effort to attract a new tenant <br /> to the building. In conjunction with the County Road E improvements completed in 2015, the <br /> property owner agreed to close off two driveways that were replaced with one, 24-foot wide <br /> driveway. Arden Square also recently completed renovations to the front fagade of the building. <br /> These improvements included the removal of the mansard and gable roof on the west side of the <br /> building, increasing window and brick masonry coverage, and adding awnings and decorative <br /> lighting. <br /> Senior Planner Bachler explained that the proposed site improvements would modify the <br /> property's drive lanes and parking stalls for a more efficient use of space. The existing parking <br /> area on the north side of the building would be rearranged to include two one-way drive aisles and <br /> angled parking stalls. One drive-up lane on the west side of the building would be retained while <br /> the remaining lanes would be removed and replaced with parking. As a result of the project, the <br /> overall parking lot area would expand by 2,182 square feet and 21 additional parking stalls would <br /> be constructed. Other site modifications would include a new monument sign, a trash enclosure <br /> constructed with decorative rock face concrete block, bicycle racks, and updated pavement and <br /> sidewalk surfaces. Landscaping on the property would be enhanced as well with additional tree <br />