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Page - 4 | METROPOLITAN COUNCIL LOCAL PLANNING HANDBOOK <br />Print Date: 3/10/2016 Checklist of Minimum Requirements for Arden Hills <br />TRANSPORTATION <br />Transportation Analysis Zones <br />□ Include a table allocating forecasted population, household, and employment growth by TAZ for 2020, 2030 and 2040. <br />□ Describe how you have allocated demographic growth based on your plan’s assumptions for guided future land use (e.g., <br />density, mix of uses, locations for new development, highway/transit access, redevelopment, etc.). <br />□ When doing your land use planning, accommodate development densities around transit consistent with density <br />expectations established in Chapter 3 of the 2040 Transportation Policy Plan (2040 TPP). <br /> <br />Roadways <br />□ Describe and map the functional classification of all existing and proposed roads within your community, using the <br />functional classification system described in Appendix D of the TPP and the roadway classification map currently <br />recognized in the region. <br />□ Maps must reflect the principal arterials adopted as the metropolitan highway system in the 2040 Transportation Policy <br />Plan (2040 TPP). <br />□ If a community determines that a change to the A-minor arterial system in the community is warranted, a request <br />should be made to the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) for the change, and TAB’s approval secured, prior to <br />reflecting the new classification in the community’s plan. Check the council’s website or contact Elaine Koutsoukos at <br />651-602-1717 for more information. <br />□ Maps should also show the streets classified by the community as major and minor collectors and local streets. <br />Changes to these streets from the function shown on the regional map are at a community’s discretion, and do not <br />need approval from TAB. However, these changes should follow the criteria laid out in Appendix D of the TPP and <br />maintain system continuity. A map or table highlighting any discrepancies between the community’s map and the <br />regional functional classification map previously referenced should be submitted to Council staff so the regional map <br />can be updated. <br />□ Include the following information for the principal and A-minor arterials: <br />□ Identify the existing and future number of lanes. <br />□ Map current traffic volumes, including heavy commercial volumes, which include both ADT and HCADT. <br />□ Map forecasted 2040 traffic volumes. (This should be done using the Council’s regional model, or another method with <br />approval from Council forecasting staff.) <br />□ Identify future rights-of-way that need to be preserved. <br />□ Identify planned improvements to principal arterials as shown in the Current Revenue scenario of the 2040 TPP. <br />□ Identify any existing or proposed future MnPASS lanes, dedicated busways and bus-only shoulder lanes as shown in <br />Figure 6-6 of the 2040 TPP. <br />□ For other proposed interchange improvements, follow the Highway Interchange Request Criteria and Review <br />Procedure, which can be found in Appendix F of the 2040 TPP. <br />□ Incorporate access management guidelines of MnDOT, or those of the county in which your community is located, into <br />your comprehensive plan as well as into your subdivision and zoning ordinances. <br />□ Describe recommendations from recent corridor studies regarding roadway improvements, changes in land use, <br />and/or access. <br /> <br />Transit <br />□ The region has established Transit Market Areas to guide the types and levels of transit service that are appropriate for <br />efficient and effective services. Transit Market Areas are defined in Appendix G of the 2040 TPP by the demographic and <br />urban design factors that are associated with successful transit service. Identify your community in relationship to your <br />transit market area(s). Describe and map the existing and planned transit infrastructure and services in your community, <br />including those of Metro Transit or other regional transit service providers. Communities should include the identification of <br />the following basic elements of the transit system in their comprehensive plan: <br />□ Existing transit routes and dial-a-ride services <br />□ Existing and planned transit stations and transit centers <br />□ Existing and planned park-and-rides and express bus corridors <br />□ Existing and planned transit advantages <br />□ Existing transit support facilities <br /> <br />Bicycling and Walking <br />□ Describe and map the existing and planned on-road and off-road bicycle facilities in your community. <br />□ Map and describe the Regional Bicycle Transportation Network (RBTN) within your community: <br />□ Show all Tier 1 and Tier 2 RBTN corridors and alignments. <br />□ Show the relationship of the RBTN to the local bicycle network of off-road trails and on-street bikeways including all <br />existing and planned connections.
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