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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION <br /> AND JOINT WORK SESSION WITH JDA—AUGUST 15, 2016 10 <br /> Councilmember Wicklund stated his first reaction would be to allow an organization to purchase <br /> a property, even if it was not desirable for higher education, versus the City speculating on the <br /> wisdom of that purchase. Ile thought it should be the purchaser's choice. <br /> Ms. Kvilvang commented on the City's loss of industrial space, the compatibility issue and the <br /> legal standpoint if a higher education were to locate within the I-Flex zoning district. She advised <br /> office and lab space would have a different traffic pattern than the surrounding industrial uses. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik provided further comment on the compatibility of uses. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the only question before the Council was if the City wanted to <br /> allow higher education in the Industrial zoning district. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik stated the Council was being asked if higher education could be a <br /> permitted or conditional use in the Industrial zoning district. <br /> Senior Planner Bachler reported the City has not received any formal application at this time. <br /> Councilmember Wicklund recommended the City not begin an uphill battle. <br /> Councilmember McClung and Councilmember Holden were not interested in making any <br /> changes. <br /> Mayor Grant stated the general consensus was to not may any changes at this time. <br /> C. Personnel Committee <br /> Mayor Grant reported the City of Shorewood was in its :final phases of hiring and several <br /> candidates were being pooled in order for the City of Arden Hills to consider. The question <br /> would be if the Council wants to use this pool or also try and recruit additional candidates. The <br /> Personnel Committee was recommending the Council pursue this pool of candidates. He asked <br /> how the City Council wanted to proceed. <br /> Councilmember Holmes believed this made a lot of sense. <br /> Councilmember Holden reported interviews would be held for the customer service rep next <br /> week. <br /> Interim City Administrator Iverson explained staff has narrowed down candidates for the <br /> Public Works Superintendent as well. <br /> D. County Road 96 and Hamline Avenue <br /> Councilmember Holden stated the "No Right Turn on Red" sign has been removed at this <br /> intersection. She indicated she spoke with John Anderson regarding this matter and believed the <br /> sign should be put back in place and the sign be enforced. <br />