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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION <br /> AND JOINT WORK SESSION WITH JDA—AUGUST 15, 2016 12 <br /> 2. COUNCIL COMMENTS AND STAFF UPDATES <br /> Mayor Grant discussed the City's water bills and the number of delinquencies. He questioned if <br /> these delinquencies should be posted on the internet. <br /> Interim City Administrator Iverson explained this information was public data as it was part of <br /> the City Council packet. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested the City follow up with the Goodwill to see if anything would <br /> be done with the windows at night. <br /> Councilmember Holden indicated Arden Hills residents were interested in pickle ball. She also <br /> had a resident request swings in Ingerson Park. <br /> Councilmember McClung wanted to see the "No Right on Red Turn" put back in place at <br /> County Road 96 and 1-Iamline Avenue. <br /> Councilmember Wicklund was interested in learning from the City Council what size and level <br /> of park amenities should be offered in TCAAP. It was his opinion the parks in TCAAP should be <br /> better programmed. He wanted to better understand the City's demand for programmed parks. <br /> Mayor Grant requested staff provide Councilmember Wicklund with this park information. <br /> ADJOURN <br /> Mayor Grant adjourned the City Council Work Session at 8:58 p.m. <br /> -7,,.,, - <br /> o e Traub David Grant <br /> Deputy Clerk Mayor <br />