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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION – SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 2 <br /> <br />Jay Lindgren, Dorsey & Whitney, thanked the Council for their consideration. He discussed the <br />project details and how Northwestern planned to utilize the Smiths Medical facility. He <br />commented on the location of Smiths Medical, noting it was within the I-Flex District but was <br />directly adjacent to the B-4 District. He explained this was a 14.5-acre site with 165,000 square <br />feet available between two buildings with 583 parking spaces. He reviewed a two-phase approach <br />that Northwestern has devised for this property, noting this site would be used for STEM <br />purposes. He believed this was a compatible use with the neighboring uses. He encouraged the <br />Council to consider allowing an Institutional Use as a Conditional Use in the I-Flex zoning <br />district, or consider rezoning the property to B-4. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant understood the City and Northwestern have participated in a restructuring of the <br />campus. He also knew the focus of the college was evolving and changing over time. He thanked <br />Northwestern for providing the Council with a better idea on where the University’s focus was at <br />this time. He stated the question before the Council was the I-Flex district and the proposed use. <br />He asked the Councilmembers for comments on this matter. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden stated she has always been supportive of Northwestern. She indicated <br />she would be supportive of the Northwestern’s plan if the property was zoned B-4; however, the <br />parcel was located in the I-Flex zoning district. She indicated the City does not allow education in <br />the I-Flex for specific reasons. She did not believe the proposal from Northwestern worked given <br />the fact they were proposing to locate in the I-Flex zoning district. <br /> <br />Councilmember Wicklund explained he was new to this process and asked why education was <br />not allowed in I-Flex. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden could not recall the specifics but stated this determination was made by <br />the City Council within the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant provided further comment on the Comprehensive Planning process. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes stated the Smiths Medical property was in a transitional area and was <br />zoned I-Flex due to the fact it abuts Heavy Industrial. She feared how students would be impacted <br />by the amount of heavy truck traffic in the area. She agreed with Councilmember Holden and did <br />not support changing the zoning of this property. <br /> <br />Councilmember McClung discussed the zoning of the properties and access points surrounding <br />Smiths Medical. He reported he had access, traffic and density concerns with Northwestern’s <br />proposal. For this reason, he was not comfortable in making a change to the zoning for Smiths <br />Medical. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant commented further on the intended purpose of the I-Flex zoning district. He <br />appreciated the mission of Northwestern and understood that the technological/engineering fields <br />were evolving. He encouraged Northwestern to consider expanding on their campus. He stated <br />that he was not inclined to change the zoning for the Smiths Medical site at this time. <br /> <br />Councilmember Wicklund questioned when the I-Flex zoning district was created. <br />
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