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July 13, 2015 <br /> <br />Section 6: Building and Site Development Standards TCAAP Redevelopment Code <br />Page | 36 <br /> <br />6.0 Building and Site Development Standards <br /> <br />All parcels within the TRC are assigned to one of seven (7) Zoning Districts: <br /> <br />1. Campus Commercial <br />2. Town Center <br />3. Office Mixed-Use <br />4. Retail Mixed-Use <br />5. Flex Office <br />6. Neighborhood TransitionCivic <br />7. Neighborhood <br /> <br />In addition to standards that apply to all Zoning Districts, Building and Site Development standards <br />applicable to each Zoning District are described in Sections 6.2 – 6.8. <br />The images and graphics in the first subsection of each zoning district standards are provided as <br />illustrative of intent and are advisory only without the power of law. Refer to the standards on the <br />following pages for the specific Building and Site Development Standards. <br />In addition, the graphics used to illustrate the building and development standards in each Zoning <br />District are NOT intended to indicate exact conditions within each Zoning District. Rather, illustrations <br />are conceptual and standards are to be applied based on the specific frontage types designated <br />along the subject property or site. For example, a specific site may not have frontages along all streets <br />as indicated in the illustrations and only the standards applicable to designated building frontages on <br />the property should be used. In addition, the illustrations may depict other site elements to establish <br />context and only the standards regulated by the specific subsection shall apply. For example, the <br />Building Placement graphics may depict sidewalks for context purposes only and the graphic should <br />only be used to establish standards for building placement on the site. Building form graphics in these <br />sections are NOT TO SCALE. <br />6.1 General to All Zoning Districts <br />(a) Building Frontage Designations: The Building Frontage designations are established on <br />the Regulating Plan (Attachment 1) to specify certain building and site development <br />standards along each street based on the priority placed on pedestrian-orientation. The <br />Regulating Plan illustrates the Building Frontage designations within the TRC. For the <br />purposes of this code, all Building Frontages are classified into one of the following three <br />categories: <br />i. Pedestrian Priority Frontages – Pedestrian Priority Frontages are intended to provide <br />the most pedestrian-friendly and contiguous development context. Buildings and sites <br />along Pedestrian Priority Frontages shall be held to the highest standard of <br />pedestrian-oriented design and few, if any, gaps shall be permitted in the ‘Street <br />Wall’. Breaks in the street wall may be permitted for courtyards, forecourts, sidewalk <br />cafes and pedestrian connections between the individual sites and the public sidewalk. <br />These street frontages are the main retail, restaurant, entertainment streets, or are <br />important neighborhood connectors, as identified in the Regulating Plan. <br />1. Specific to Pedestrian Priority Frontages: The area between the building facade <br />and property line or edge of any existing sidewalk along any street with <br />Pedestrian Priority Frontage shall be designed such that the sidewalk width shall <br />be a minimum as determined by the street type (see Attachment 4) and the <br />remainder of any setback area shall be paved flush with the public sidewalk. <br />Sidewalk cafes, public art, landscaping within tree-wells or planters may be <br />incorporated within this area.
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