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July 13, 2015 <br /> <br />Section 6: Building and Site Development Standards TCAAP Redevelopment Code <br />Page | 41 <br /> <br />Driveways along County controlled roadways shall meet Ramsey County <br />Standards or the City’s adopted standards. <br />8. Additional easements may be required if shared driveways or access <br />agreements are established. <br />9. Residential Driveways and Garages: <br />a. Unless required to meet minimum fire access or service access standards, <br />driveways for Single-Family Residential Use Buildings shall be a maximum of <br />12 feet in width at the curb cut. <br />b. Garages for Residential Buildings shall be located on streets with General <br />Frontage or at the rear of residential buildings. <br />c. If front-loaded garages are utilized on residential uses, each bay of the <br />garage shall be no greater than 24 feet wide and set back at least 3 feet <br />behind the front façade line, unless a front porch meets the requirements of <br />Section 6.1(c)(iii)(9)(d) below. Front-loaded garages on residential lots less <br />than 50 feet wide shall not be allowed. Townhomes and courtyard apartments <br />shall utilize garages at the rear of the lot with access from streets with General <br />Frontage or from Alleys. <br />i. Lots less than 675 feet in width shall not have more than 24 <br />feet of garage facing the street. Front-loaded garages on <br />residential lots less than 50 feet wide shall not be allowed. <br />Townhomes and courtyard apartments shall utilize garages at <br />the rear of the lot with access from streets with General <br />Frontage or from Alleys. <br />ii. Lots 65’ to 70’ in width shall permit up to 3 car front-loaded <br />garages provided the homes meet the following requirements: <br />1. Each bay of the garage shall not be greater than 24 <br />wide and setback at least 3 feet from the front <br />façade line, unless a front porch meets the <br />requirements of Section 6.1 (c) (iii) (9) (d) below. <br />2. The garage portion of the home facing the street shall <br />not exceed 55% of the total front façade of the <br />home. <br />iii. Lots greater than 70’ in width shall permit up to 3 car front- <br />loaded garages provided the homes meet the following <br />requirements: <br />1. Each bay of the garage shall not be greater than 24 <br />wide and setback at least 3 feet from the front <br />façade line, unless a front porch meets the <br />requirements of Section 6.1 (c) (iii) (9) (d) below. <br />c.2. The garage portion of the home facing the street shall <br />not exceed 50% of the total front façade of the <br />home. <br />d. If garage is flush with the frontmain façade, a porch shall be added to the <br />frontmain façade measuring 50 percent of the main floor living space portion <br />of the front façade length and a minimum of seven six (67) feet in depth.
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