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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION— SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 11 <br /> Ms. Kvilvang reviewed the Council's wants and needs regarding the parks within TCAAP. <br /> Councilmember Wicklund recommended that staff provide the Council with further infonnation <br /> on the funds that are available to assist with developing the TCAAP parks. <br /> Ms. Stutz commented on his plans for the park phasing. <br /> Councilmember Wicklund wanted the City to pursue the timeline provided by Ms. Kvilvang <br /> including the 12 story buildings, having further dialogue on the cost of the parks. <br /> Councilmember McClung reviewed the amenities that have not been provided through the <br /> current park plan stating the only items that have been removed were the basketball court and full <br /> sized soccer field. He did appreciate the addition of a splash pad. <br /> Councilmember Holden suggested the park buildings be further evaluated to see if several could <br /> be combined. <br /> Mayor Grant believed the architectural details of the park shelters would have to be discussed in <br /> the future, along with building materials and design. He requested further comment from the <br /> Council regarding the Hill neighborhood. <br /> Councilmember Wicklund and Councilmember Holmes supported the Hill neighborhood as <br /> presented. <br /> The consensus of the Council was to support the Hill neighborhood as presented. <br /> Mayor Grant requested additional feedback from the Council on Town Center. <br /> Mr. Lux asked that the Council allow for the proposed density within Town Center. He provided <br /> further comment on the condominium units noting there would be five units or less per story. He <br /> recommended the condominium building be 12 stories in height in order to be differentiated in <br /> height from the apartments. <br /> Councilmember McClung supported the density and building heights being proposed for Town <br /> Center. His only concerns were with the restaurants. <br /> Councilmember Holmes and Councilmember Wicklund agreed with these statements. <br /> Councilmember Holden did not support Town Center as presented. <br /> Mayor Grant stated he had an issue with the building height and proposed Civic area. <br /> Councilmember McClung supported the Civic area in theory and understood this topic would <br /> have to be further discussed by the Council. <br /> Mayor Grant reported approval of the Master Plan and TRC would take four affinnative votes <br /> from the Council. <br />