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Page 3 of 3 <br /> <br />by eliminating two Planning Commission meetings and adding two City Council meetings. To <br />remove the two Planning Commission meetings, the March and May Planning Commission <br />meetings will cover two topics each so that all the issues are still addressed. The two additional <br />City Council meeting start with a joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting in March so <br />that the City Council can provide some direction to Planning Commission. The second <br />additional City Council meeting is in June so that the City Council can review and comment on <br />the draft report before the Planning Commission review. Since the total number of meetings are <br />the same and the topic addressed are the same as the January proposal, the total cost of the Study <br />remains at $30,000. <br /> <br />Options to Extend the Moratorium <br /> <br />At the January 17, 2017 Work Session, the City Council asked about their ability to extend the <br />moratorium beyond October 10, 2017. In consultation with the City Attorney, there are <br />limitations on the ability to extend the moratorium. The State Statute allows extension for the <br />following three conditions: <br /> <br />1. up to an additional 120 days following the receipt of the final approval or review by a <br />federal, state, or metropolitan agency when the approval is required by law and the <br />review or approval has not been completed and received by the municipality at least 30 <br />days before the expiration of the interim ordinance;  <br />2. up to an additional 120 days following the completion of any other process required by a <br />state statute, federal law, or court order, when the process is not completed at least 30 <br />days before the expiration of the interim ordinance; or  <br />3. up to an additional one year if the municipality has not adopted a comprehensive plan <br />under this section at the time the interim ordinance is enacted.  <br /> <br />The study has been prepared with a schedule for City Council adoption of any amendments to <br />the City Code and/or Comprehensive Plan by the end of September, 2017. If a Comprehensive <br />Plan amendment is required, an extension of the moratorium can be requested under condition 1. <br />above to allow time for neighboring communities to review the amendment and the Metropolitan <br />Council to approve the amendment. <br /> <br />Attachments <br /> <br />A. Professional Services Agreement <br />