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<br /> <br />Exhibit A – General Contract Provisions 11.01.16 Page 1 <br />WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. <br /> <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> GENERAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS <br /> <br />ARTICLE 1 – PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK <br />Consultant shall perform the services under this Agreement in accordance with the care and skill <br />ordinarily exercised by members of Consultant’s profession practicing under similar circumstances at the <br />same time and in the same locality. Consultant makes no warranties, express or implied, under this <br />Agreement or otherwise, in connection with its services. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 2 – ADDITIONAL SERVICES <br />If the Client requests that the Consultant perform any services which are beyond the scope as set forth in <br />the Agreement, or if changed or unforeseen conditions require the Consultant to perform services outside <br />of the original scope, then, Consultant shall promptly notify the Client of cause and nature of the <br />additional services required. Upon notification, Consultant shall be entitled to an equitable adjustment in <br />both compensation and time to perform. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 3 – SCHEDULE <br />Unless specific periods of time or dates for providing services are specified in a separate Exhibit, <br />Consultant’s obligation to render services hereunder will be for a period which may reasonably be <br />required for the completion of said services. The Client agrees that Consultant is not responsible for <br />damages arising directly or indirectly from any delays for causes beyond Consultant’s control. F or <br />purposes of this Agreement, such causes include, but are not limited to, strikes or other labor disputes; <br />severe weather disruptions, or other natural disasters or acts of God; fires, riots, war or other <br />emergencies; any action or failure to act in a timely manner by any government agency; actions or failure <br />to act by the Client or the Client’s contractor or consultants; or discovery of any hazardous substance or <br />differing site conditions. If the delays outside of Consultant’s control increase the cost or the time required <br />by Consultant to perform its services in accordance with professional skill and care, then Consultant shall <br />be entitled to a reasonable adjustment in schedule and compensation. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 4 – CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION <br />If requested by Client, Consultant shall visit the project during construction to become familiar with the <br />progress and quality of the contractors’ work and to determine if the work is proceeding, in general, in <br />accordance with plans, specifications or other contract documents prepared by Consultant for the Client. <br />The Client has not retained the Consultant to make detailed inspections or to provide exhaustive or <br />continuous project review and observation services. <br /> <br />Consultant neither guarantees the performance of any Contractor retained by Client nor assumes <br />responsibility for any Contractor’s failure to furnish and perform the work in accordance with the <br />construction documents. Client acknowledges Consultant will not direct, supervise or control the work of <br />contractors or their subcontractors, nor shall Consultant have authority over or responsibility for the <br />contractors’ means, methods, or procedures of construction. Consultant’s services do not include review <br />or evaluation of the Client’s, contractor’s or subcontractor’s safety measures, or job site safety. Job Site <br />Safety shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor who is performing the work. <br /> <br />For Client-observed projects, the Consultant shall be entitled to rely upon and accept representations of <br />the Client’s observer. If the Client desires more extensive project observation or full-time project <br />representation, the Client shall request such services be provided by the Consultant as an Additional <br />Service. Consultant and Client shall then enter into a Supplemental Agreement detailing the terms and <br />conditions of the requested project observation. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 5 – OPINIONS OF PROBABLE COST <br />Opinions, if any, of probable cost, construction cost, financial evaluations, feasibility studies, economic <br />analyses of alternate solutions and utilitarian considerations of operations and maintenance costs , <br />collectively referred to as “Cost Estimates,” provided for are made or to be made on the basis of the <br />Consultant's experience and qualifications and represent the Consultant's best judgment as an <br />experienced and qualified professional design firm. The parties acknowledge, however, that the