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Project Understanding / 4 <br />A Proposal to Provide a 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update for the City of Arden Hills <br />The WSB team understands that the City of Arden Hills is unique in its history, location, assets, character, and challenges. <br />Arden Hills is a largely developed second-ring suburb, and its future planning efforts not only would examine the <br />Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP) site, but must also focus on creative and sustainable redevelopment of <br />underutilized sites. Any future new development would enhance the existing city character. Arden Hills’s unique location <br />with the major regional interchange of I 35W and I 694, along with its proximity to both Downtown Minneapolis and <br />Downtown St. Paul, is a great incentive for development. <br />Project <br />Understanding <br />While fostering an environment for growth and redevelopment, <br />the 2040 Comprehensive Plan must also ensure the <br />preservation of the amenities that make Arden Hills a great <br />place to live. For example, the Plan must further the goal of <br />maintaining safe and well connected neighborhoods. It must <br />link land use and demographic trends to provide tools to create <br />housing for people in all stages of their life cycle. It must focus <br />uses and density in a way that fosters convenient, safe, and <br />flexible transportation options. <br />Overall, Arden Hills’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan must <br />provide balanced strategies for growth, redevelopment, <br />and connections in response to changing demographics. <br />Implementation actions must also be concise and <br />include techniques for appropriate design of growth and <br />redevelopment.