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Project Approach to Scope of Work / 8 <br />A Proposal to Provide a 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update for the City of Arden Hills <br />Transportation <br />WSB & Associates will prepare a transportation plan for the City of Arden Hills consistent with <br />Metropolitan Council’s Local Planning Handbook requirements. Existing Arden Hills transportation <br />plan content will be utilized as much as possible, with outdated information updated to bring this plan <br />into compliance with Metropolitan Council’s requirements. <br />Agency Involvement: WSB staff will participate in one (1) work session with Ramsey County staff, the <br />MnDOT Area Manager and Arden Hills staff to discuss existing and forecasted transportation issues. <br />Roadway Component, Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs) and Travel Forecasting: WSB staff will allocate <br />Metropolitan Council’s 2010, 2030, 2030 and 2040 population, employment and housing data <br />by Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) based on an approved Arden Hills Land Use Plan. WSB staff will <br />also run the Metropolitan Council’s 2040 regional travel demand to develop a 2040 travel demand <br />forecast for Principal Arterial and A-Minor Arterial roadways. <br />The roadway component will include existing and planned functional classification, and forecasted <br />traffic will be compared to existing roadway capacity to identify any future congestion problems. <br />Other roadway system issues will also be identified and mapped along with proposed strategies <br />for improvement. Existing Anoka County access management guidelines will be discussed and <br />incorporated as a reference along with any future right-of-way preservation needs. <br />Other Multimodal Components: Other multimodal components will include transit, bicycle and walking, <br />aviation and freight. The transit and bicycle/walking components will discuss existing and planned <br />conditions, system gaps and associated strategies for improvement. The freight component will include <br />field collection of heavy commercial traffic on Principal Arterial and A-Minor Arterial Roadways, as <br />required by the Metropolitan Council. Existing freight infrastructure, such as railroads, major truck <br />routes and freight generators, will also be mapped and potential strategies for improvement will be <br />identified. Since Arden Hills is not in the influence area of a regional airport, this component of the <br />plan will be brief and an overview of existing policies regarding protection of aviation airspace will be <br />provided. <br />Final Report: WSB staff will prepare a final report of the overall Metropolitan Council compliant 2040 <br />transportation plan, including narrative and associated tables, maps and other exhibits. The final <br />report will include summary findings and recommendations for all transportation modes in table and <br />map format, including project location, implementing agency and applicable transportation goals and <br />objectives addressed by the recommendation.