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City Council Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — MARCH 20, 2017 5 <br />Councilmember McClung asked if we are going in the direction of looking at the nine <br />commercial and industrial zones and deciding if we really want or need them. <br />Interim City Planner Zweber stated the Planning Commission has looked at what the difference <br />is between I-1 and I-2, and they feel the uses should be listed. Also Zones B-3 and B-4 are close <br />enough in the description that possibly they could be one zone <br />Mayor Grant stated that everyone needs to remember that we are a City and decisions need to be <br />made according to what is best for the City. <br />Councilmember McClung agreed, stating a well-rounded city has a little bit of everything and <br />not too much of any one thing. It doesn't rely on any one employer and diversity of employers is <br />a good thing. <br />Councilmember McClung said Smith Medical started small and grew into other sections of the <br />buildings until they were so successful that they had to move to another facility. So that is a good <br />reason to keep that area as I -Flex. If we allow Northwestern or Bethel to come in they will stay <br />and that will box out the business community, so we have to be careful where we allow education. <br />Councilmember Holmes commented that maybe all the Council wants to do is see if we would <br />want higher education to be in any particular zone and whether it should it be expanded or <br />contracted without questioning all the different zones. <br />Senior Planner Bachler stated the report will show specific recommendations for the higher <br />education land use related to the different existing business and industrial districts in the city. <br />C. 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Senior Planner Bachler stated that the City Council is expected to approve the 2040 <br />Comprehensive Plan Update in January 2018. He reviewed the schedule as stated in the <br />memorandum. There will be a project website that will be linked to from the City website and <br />facebook page. He is requesting the City Council provide direction to the Planning Commission <br />and review the City Vision and Goals in the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. <br />Councilmember Holden had two comments: as people age, how can we make sure people can <br />stay in their home, and what will we do about transportation issues on Hamline Avenue and <br />getting out onto Hamline Avenue from the neighborhoods. <br />Mayor Grant stated that the scope of the update is limited to what is required by the <br />Metropolitan Council. <br />Senior Planner Bachler noted that staff plans to hold the public hearing with the Planning <br />Commission in December and then bring it back to City Council for approval in January, 2018. <br />There is a six month review period for adjacent and affected jurisdictions. <br />Councilmember Holden wondered what the repercussions were if the Comprehensive Plan was <br />submitted late. <br />
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