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11-09-16 PC
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Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2016
11-09-16 PC
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – November 9, 2016 4 <br /> <br />Commissioner Jones moved and Commissioner Bartel seconded a motion to recommend <br />approval of Planning Case 16-023 for a Minor Subdivision for a lot split on the property <br />located at 1401 County Road E based on the findings of fact and the submitted plans, as <br />amended by the two (2) conditions in the November 9, 2016, report to the Planning <br />Commission. The motion carried unanimously (6-0). <br /> <br />B. Planning Case 16-028; University of Northwestern-St. Paul – Zoning Code <br />Amendment and Conditional Use Permit – 1265 Grey Fox Road – Public Hearing <br /> <br />Mr. Zweber stated the property at 1265 Grey Fox Road is 14.3 acres in size and includes two <br />existing buildings with a gross floor area of approximately 165,000 square feet. Existing site <br />improvements include 570 surface parking stalls, landscaping, and stormwater management <br />facilities. The medical manufacturing company Smiths Medical previously occupied the property <br />until they vacated the space in 2015. <br /> <br />Mr. Zweber explained the University of Northwestern-St. Paul has plans to grow its <br />engineering, biology, and nursing academic programs and has identified the property as a <br />location for this expansion because of the existing building space. The University has a purchase <br />agreement in place with the property owner. <br /> <br />Mr. Zweber reported the University proposes to develop the property over two phases: <br /> <br />• Phase I would be completed in time for the 2017-2018 academic year. Existing facilities <br />would be renovated to support the Masters-level nursing and biology programs, and the <br />undergraduate engineering program. The University expects to have 389 students and 43 <br />faculty and staff members in the first year. The concept plan shows that classroom and <br />office space would occupy approximately 63,300 square feet. Renovations would also be <br />completed to add a theater, cafeteria, and chapel. Excess building space would be leased <br />to other users during Phase I. <br />• Phase II would introduce additional undergraduate programs in mathematics and <br />chemistry, as well as graduate programs in biology and data analytics. Health services <br />would occupy approximately 46,000 square feet, biology and chemistry 72,000 square <br />feet, and engineering 30,000 square feet. A total of approximately 646 students would <br />attend classes and 66 faculty and staff members would be located on the property. The <br />University has not proposed any exterior changes to the existing buildings or the site to <br />accommodate Phase I or Phase II. <br /> <br />Mr. Zweber indicated the University anticipates the facility will be open daily from 7:00 a.m. to <br />10:00 p.m. Peak traffic times would coincide with class schedules, which typically are more <br />frequent during mid-morning and mid-afternoon hours. The University would operate a shuttle <br />service for students and faculty between their main campus at 3003 Snelling Avenue and 1265 <br />Grey Fox Road. <br /> <br />Mr. Zweber stated the City approved a Campus Master Plan for the University of Northwestern <br />in 2007. The plan was designed to support a student population of 2,400 on the campus, and <br />included an additional 433,506 square feet of building space to be built over 12 to 20 years. To <br />date, approximately 70,000 square feet of new construction has been completed on the Arden <br />Hills portion of the campus. Based on the approved Master Plan and the work completed to date, <br />there is additional capacity on the main campus that could be used in place of the expansion <br />planned for 1265 Grey Fox Road.
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