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04-05-17 PC
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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2017
04-05-17 PC
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – APRIL 5, 2017 4 <br /> <br />Ms. Rybak reported staff had not received any comments. <br /> <br />Commissioner Gehrig moved and Commissioner Neururer seconded a motion to <br />recommend approval of Planning Case 17-007 for a variance at 3517 Siems Court, based on <br />the findings of fact and submitted plans, as amended by the four (4) conditions in the April <br />5, 2017, Report to the Planning Commission. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />B. Planning Case 17-008; Lexington Station – Master PUD Amendment and Final PUD <br />Phase 2 – Public Hearing <br /> <br />Senior Planner Bachler stated in 2013, the City approved a Master PUD for the Lexington <br />Station redevelopment project at the southwest corner of Lexington Avenue North and Red Fox <br />Road. The total project area is 7.57 acres in size and is comprised of three separate parcels (3833 <br />and 3771 Lexington Avenue and 1120 Red Fox Road). Phase 1 of the redevelopment was <br />completed in 2013-2014 and included the demolition of the former Blue Fox Restaurant and the <br />construction of a 15,340-square foot multi-tenant commercial building. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Bachler reported the approved Master PUD identified Phase 2 as the <br />remodeling of the existing light industrial building at 1120 Red Fox Road for an approximately <br />17,000 square foot retail use. Phase 3 included the demolition of the existing building at 3771 <br />Lexington Avenue, and the construction of a new multi-tenant commercial building and two <br />retail/office two-story buildings. Roberts Management is requesting an amendment for Phases 2 <br />and 3 of the approved PUD. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Bachler explained Roberts Management has proposed modifications to the <br />Master PUD based on changes in market demand and from their experience with Phase 1 of the <br />development. For Phase 2, the existing building at 1120 Red Fox Road would be demolished and <br />a new 16,922 square foot retail/office building would be constructed in its place. The proposed <br />floor plan shows a total of 12 tenant bays within the building with the two bays at the north and <br />south end of the building being slightly larger in size. The building would be repositioned closer <br />to the western property boundary, which would allow for construction of a greater number of <br />parking stalls to serve the two buildings. Phase 2 calls for an additional 155 parking stalls, which <br />would bring the total number of spaces for the first two phases to 230. A drive-up window has <br />also been added on the south side of the building. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Bachler indicated for Phase 3, the footprint of the multi-tenant commercial <br />building on Lexington Avenue has been reduced to 15,210 square feet. A drive-up window has <br />also been added on the north side of the building and would be accessed by a drive lane along the <br />east side of the building. The two retail/office buildings would be replaced by one 17,841 square <br />foot retail building at the southwest corner of the site. The original proposal had included some <br />underground parking for the two retail/office buildings and this would be replaced by additional <br />surface parking. After the completion of Phase 3, the total number of parking stalls for the <br />development would be 413. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Bachler stated with the completion of Phase 2, three driveways would provide <br />access to the site: two on Red Fox Road and one on Lexington Avenue. A new access driveway <br />would be constructed in conjunction with Phase 3 on Lexington Avenue in alignment with the <br />Target service road, and the existing Lexington Avenue driveway would be closed.
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