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03-09-11 PC
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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2011
03-09-11 PC
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – March 9, 2011 4 <br /> <br />3.A. Planning Case 11-004; Concept Plan Review; Pulte Development Group; 4500 Snelling <br />Avenue North – Not a Public Hearing (continued) <br /> <br />City Planner Beekman stated the delineated wetlands are protected. The wetlands are <br />delineated by vegetation. The City could choose to protect the wetlands beyond the point <br />of delineation. Under the current proposal there is no buffer between the delineated line <br />and where the grading and construction will take place <br /> <br />Commissioner Modesette asked if the community would understand that the wetlands <br />would need to remain in its natural state and could not be altered. She suggested the City <br />consider doing something more than placing temporary stakes in the ground to show <br />property owners the starting points of the wetlands. <br /> <br />City Planner Beekman stated once the plat was approved the City would not issue any <br />building permits for the wetland areas. This would ensure no sheds or other structures <br />would be constructed in the wetlands. She also explained there are several ways the City <br />could communicate to the residents about not disturbing the wetlands and where this area <br />is. <br /> <br />Chair Larson suggested Mr. McDaris provide sample building materials for the Planning <br />Commission to review at the April 6, 2011, meeting. He also stated he would like to <br />know the average valuation for the surrounding neighborhoods so that the $400,000 <br />valuation for this neighborhood can be compared to the surrounding area. <br /> <br />Chair Larson asked for clarification regarding the lot layout for lot 10. <br /> <br />City Planner Beekman stated that as the original owner sold off parcels of land there <br />were several odd shaped parcels remaining. The exact reason for this particular parcel is <br />not known. The shape suggests the original owner may have thought this area may be <br />needed for a road or trail. <br /> <br />Commissioner Scott asked if a small structure could be built on the section of lot 10 that <br />is in between the neighboring properties. <br /> <br />City Planner Beekman stated that the size of this section of property does allow for a <br />structure to be built there. <br /> <br />Commissioner Scott suggested Pulte Group look at redefining the properties and <br />removing the section of land that is between the neighboring two lots and splitting this <br />between these two properties. This way the owner of lot 10 would not be able to <br />construct a building in between two homes. <br /> <br />Commissioner Thompson asked if there had been any discussions regarding an area the <br />City could use for park or green space. <br /> <br />City Planner Beekman stated there is not a strong interest for the City to take on <br />additional park land at this time. The Parks Department is more interested in trails to <br />connect the existing parks so the current parks are used more.
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