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03-07-12 PC WS
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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PC Minutes 2012
03-07-12 PC WS
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION – MARCH 7, 2012 4 <br /> <br />Commissioner Hames questioned what the research has shown these studio apartments would <br />rent for per month. Mr. Davidson noted the range would be $500-1,000 per month. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hames asked if any double occupancy units were being considered. Mr. <br />Davidson stated there would be several double occupancy units available. He indicated the <br />market would drive how the fourth floor was renovated, to assure the needs of the renters were <br />being met. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hames inquired if a future reduction in density would require action from the <br />City. City Planner Beekman indicated the Commission could create a condition that this be <br />brought back to the City for review if the density were to change. However, if the density were <br />to be reduced, there would not be an impact on traffic and parking. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hames asked if storage units were available for the studio units. Mr. Davidson <br />stated the lower level was not being used for apartments and could be turned into a storage area. <br /> <br />Mr. Davidson noted he would be in favor of an outdoor green space or trail area surrounding the <br />building. City Planner Beekman then discussed the B-2 District redevelopment further with <br />the Commission. She noted a path along the railroad track had not been discussed by the City. <br />However and outdoor space or patio would be a nice addition to the facility. <br /> <br />Commissioner Scott asked how the units would be rented or leased and if the units would be <br />furnished or unfurnished. Mr. Davidson indicated the units would be unfurnished. He <br />anticipated the units would be leased on a yearly basis. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hames questioned if a restaurant or anchor had been considered. Mr. Davidson <br />noted he had not pursued this. <br /> <br />Commissioner Holewa noted the B-2 plan was not going to allow for left hand turns. <br />Therefore, traffic approaching from the west would not be allowed into the property. He <br />questioned when the E2 bridge was being reconstructed. City Planner Beekman stated this <br />work was scheduled to be completed in 2015. <br /> <br />Commissioner Hames requested staff gather information on the number of rental units both <br />apartment and homes, available in the City along with the occupancy of these units. City <br />Planner Beekman noted there was only one apartment complex in the City, Park Shore <br />Apartments. She was uncertain of the occupancy but would report back with the information. <br />Park Villa was a senior housing development. <br /> <br /> <br />ADJOURN <br /> <br />Commissioner Thompson moved, seconded by Commissioner Hames, to adjourn the <br />March 7, 2012, Planning Commission Work Session Meeting at 7:40 p.m. The <br />motion carried unanimously (5-0).
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